Kangen Water

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What is Kangen Water? Part4

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

The Problem Acidosis

Just as acid rain in the environment damages our external ecosystem, so internal acids damage our internal ecosystem. Without knowing it, most people consume diets high in acid forming foods.
Also drinking acidic beverages such as carbonated drinks and coffee add to this acid overload. This results in the loss of precious bone building minerals which are used for buffering these internal acids. Having realized that our internal acid load is a major factor behind all degenerative diseases, we encourage a diet high in alkalizing foods and drinking ionized water.
Acid Causing Effects of a Modern Lifestyle
Poor Diet
Lack of sleep
Increased Stress
Insufficient Nutrients
Air and Water Pollution
Lack of Exercise or Excessive Exercise

The Solution Alkalinity
The technology produces water that has an alkaline pH, without the addition of any chemicals. This is done through electrolysis, a process that separates the acid from alkaline minerals. There are 5 levels of alkalinity to choose from. When consumed, alkaline water helps to neutralize and flush out acid wastes that have accumulated as the result of an unhealthy diet, stress and pollution.
Wetter Water
The smaller hexagonal molecular structure resulting from electrolysis is what makes Kangen water wetter than tap or bottled water.
These smaller clusters of water molecules are less than half the size of those found in tap water. The smaller cluster size gives the water excellent hydrating properties, high solubility and good cellular permeability.
Oxygen Rich Water
Kangen water contains more oxygen than regular tap water. This added Oxygen varies according to the pH selected and is present in the form of alkaline hydroxide ions (OH).
The body makes use of the oxygen bound in the hydroxide compound when the aspirated oxygen (O2) runs low in the blood stream. This benefit will be most apparent during exercise and physical labor. It has been written that Ionized Water “may also lower blood pressure and help the heart work less hard.” Quoted from Reverse Aging, Sang Whang.
Anti-Oxidant Water
As a result of the electrolysis process, our water has a negative oxygen reduction potential (ORP) or an affinity for the free radicals that attack cell tissue. Imagine not having to rely solely on supplemental antioxidants since your water will already contain an abundant supply.
To maintain or restore your body's natural pH balance for optimal health, drink restructured, ionized water which is rich in anti-oxidants and alkaline minerals. Ionized water helps reverse the effects of acid accumulation in the body, the root cause of degenerative diseases and aging, allowing your body to maximize its healing potential.
The Benefits Benefits of Our Ionized Alkaline Water (Internal Use)
Regulates Blood Pressure
Helps Digestive Problems
Adult Disease Control
Balances Body Ph
Reduces Acidosis
Reverses Aging
Increases Energy
Urea Stones Dissolved
Good Antioxidant Source
Cooked Foods Taste Better
The Benefits Benefits of Our Ionized Acid Water(External Use)
Relieves Athletes Foot, Eczema
Sterilizes Burns or Heat Rashes
Complexion Enhancement
Soothes Dry, Itchy Skin
Wounds Heal Faster
Mouth Wash
Reduces Acne
Excellent Hair Rinse
Promotes Plant Growth
Extends Life of Cut Flowers

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