Kangen Water

Monday, March 23, 2009

Taking Prescription AntAcids, Tums, Previcid, Nexium, Naproxin, Nexium? etc. Time to Substitute Kangen Water

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

Straight from the mouth of Johns Hopkins: "Do the benefits of aspirin and NSAIDs for your heart outweigh the risks to your gut? Here's advice on how to reduce the risk and what to do if you begin to experience side effects." You'll notice something missing. Yep, Kangen Water! Clearly, we all know more than Johns Hopkins!


If ever there was a sound reason NOT to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs] in the form of OTC [over-the-counter] or prescription drugs, and instead substitute and convert to safe, clean, micro-clustered, antioxidant, alkaline water by Enagic, this article from Johns Hopkins will give you pause. The side effects of over-the-counter meds as well as prescription are commonly known. Aspirin and ibuprofens can burn a hole in your stomach lining when taken on an empty stomach and not carefully monitored. Ouch! So doesn't it make sense to go with something completely safe and offering permanent relief? When you read this and learn of the contra-indications of long-term use of drugs, well…I think you might be interested in the alternative.

After months of being on NSAIDs, my permanent relief from a digestive virus that was to be expected to last for 2 to 3 years came in the form of micro-clustered, alkaline water. I was miserable until Kangen Water changed my body balance and gave me the relief that I otherwise wouldn't have gotten for years. To this day, my issues with my digestive track have never returned. "I'm healthy as a horse," as my grandmother would've said.

Share this with those you hold dear and let them know there is a better way than aspirin, Tums, Tylenol, Prevacid, Nexium, Advil, Naproxin or any other NSAID. Afterall, those drugs don't cure a thing. They simply mask the issue and delay the inevitable that might come in the form of ulcers, esophageal cancer or any other "stomach woe."

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