Kangen Water

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Horse Sense and Water

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

Horse Sense and Water

Editors Note: We know that 50% of men and women are placebo responders… if they believe something will help them, they feel a positive effect. However, animals do not respond to placebos. Thus, the following story is significant.

“I have a dozen horses- three of them ponies, one of them not quite broke yet. We keep the ponies corralled close to the house, so I decided it would be good to give them Kangen water. The first day I brought it out in buckets, the ponies were fighting over it. Usually we have to trick the one that’s not quite broke to come around human beings. On the second day when he saw me with buckets in my hand, he came running for the water. During the next three days, they drank three times as much water as they normally consume.”

JulieAnn Curtis, Salem, Utah
Note: Other people have reported similar responses with dogs and cats. When the animals respond to something so simple, perhaps people should listen!

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