Kangen Water

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What is Kangen Water Part 3

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

Are you drinking the amount of water you should drink...every day?

"The key to a long life is to maintain the integrity of the internal fluids of the body by a process of hydrating with alkaline fluids. I believe this can be accomplished by drinking a minimum of 1 liter of alkaline water per 30 lb of body weight." Dr. Robert Young.
It is important to understand that because of a gradually failing thirst sensation, our body becomes chronically and increasingly dehydrated from an early adult age. With increase in age, the water content of the cells of the body decreases, to the point that the ratio of the volume of body water that is inside the cells to that which is outside the cells changes from a 1.1 to almost 0.8. This is a very drastic change and causes one to lose their desire for hydration.
Since the water we drink provides for cell function and its volume requirements, the decrease in our daily water intake affects the efficiency of cell activity.
Simply put...
The cell is only as healthy as the fluids it's bathed in!
It is the loss of water volume held inside the cells of the body which causes a reduction in the thirst sensation! As a result, chronic dehydration sets in which causes symptoms that equal disease when the variety of emergency signals of dehydration are not understood.

Keep in mind that when we are born our bodies are about 90% water and 10% matter. As an aging adult the body begins losing water, dehydration sets in and hydration falls to about 70% water and 30% matter. Upon death the body is only 50% water!
In reality we die of dehydration!
Just because someone does not perceive they are thirsty does not mean they are not thirsty. The body adjusts and goes into a masking phenomenon that leaves the body dehydrated.
The adult male or female needs approximately 43 to 45 liters of water.
These waters need to be filtered and eliminated and replenished daily. If they are not, the rivers, steams and oceans of our body become polluted with digestive, respiratory and metabolic acids. When these acids build up we experience the symptoms of dehydration, we call disease.
Any and all disease is an expression of this dehydration and a compromise in the alkaline pH of our body fluids.
Disease is not about the cells or tissues or organs, it is all about the hydration and the quality of the fluids of the body that surround the cells that make up our tissues and organs.
It is recommended that a non-active child or adult drink at least 1 liter of water per 30 lb of total body weight per day for minimum hydration. If the child or adult increases activity through exercise or sport, they should increase their hydration to 1-1/2 to 2 liters per 30 lb of body weight. This will help to maintain the delicate pH balance and integrity of the internal fluids which will be expressed in a healthy and energetic mind and body.

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