Kangen Water

Saturday, January 3, 2009

There is a way to protect yourself against
Cancer and Obesity with
you do it by drinking water.
The Natural Secret to Health and Beauty,
The following is truly happening......
50 years ago, 1 person in 3,000, in their lifetime, would suffer with Cancer, today that figure is 1 in 3, soon to be 1 in 2.
Toxins, and what we eat and drink has caused this situation, however, there is a way to protect your body.
Did you notice, today the chances of Cancer entering anyone's system stands at 1 in 3. 1 in 3 is a figure one has to take notice of. My plan is to make sure everyone in my family protects himself or herself by drinking alkaline water, that is definitely my plan and I feel much more comfortable with it. I ask you what is your plan?
I want to start this page with facts.
How Kangen Water benefits you.
Each glass of therapeutic Kangen Water contains millions of anti-oxidants, increases the body’s supply of available oxygen, provides calcium and other vital vitamins, and removes the toxins that cause the body to become unwell.
Kangen water also super-hydrates the body due to it’s unique molecular structure.
The provision of anti-oxidants.
Kangen Water is full of negatively charged hydroxyl ions that actively search out free radicals in the body and disable them. Since most of the “diseases of aging” such as cancer, arthritis, heart problems , Alzheimer’s disease, etc. are linked to free radical action, Kangen Water can help and/or prevent alleviate these conditions.
One glass of Kangen Water is equivalent to one gallon of green tea in the terms of anti-oxidant activity.
An abundant supply of essential minerals.
Therapeutic Kangen Water is a rich source of alkaline minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and possasium. These are in a form that the body can assimilate and put to use. In enhancing the health. , for example the calcium helps to strengthen the bones and teeth.We have known since 1931 why cancer is so rampant, yet for some unknown reason we are ignoring it. Way back in 1931 it was discovered cancer could not establish itself in an alkaline body. So the easy way to not have cancer would be to concentrate eating alkaline foods.Unfortunately, 80% of the food we eat here in North America and most parts of the world is acidic. so that does help unless you wish to eat raw food such as salads and fruit. Take a close look at what kangen water gives you. All the information you need is below. What you must do to stay alkaline is to drink only kangen water, which has a pH of 9.5.As you require a pH of 7.365, the 9.5 from the kangen water takes care of balancing your requirements after eating the acidic foods and drinking acidic drinks.
Please watch this video to see the acid in so many drinks. The guy on the video says it takes 3 gallons of Kangen water to neutralize one can of cola products.
You can watch it here.......
To allow your children to drink these so-called soft drinks is so dangerous to their health. Please change their habits.
50 years ago, the chances of getting cancer was 1 in 3,000, unfortunately it has reached 1 in 3. The chances, now are frightening.
Amazing Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water Click here
" You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency."Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes. Over-acidity is very common today and can become a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems. This condition forces the body to borrow alkaline minerals, including calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium from vital organs, muscles, and bones to neutralize acid and remove it from the body. Over-acidity can go undetected for years and cause severe damage. Like acid eating into marble, acidosis erodes and eats into cell wall membranes of the heart, arteries and veins. Acidosis is the first step towards premature aging and accelerated oxidative stress. Keep your pH as close to over over 7.365.The acid–alkaline balance is an important factor in the health and functioning of the body, along with your pH. Optimal health depends on the body's ability to maintain a slightly alkaline state. Unfortunately, most of what we eat is acidic in nature and, therefore, changes the balance toward acidity called METABOLIC ACIDOSIS.
Should you be into fitness, we ask you to take special notice of the following. All we say, to be perfectly healthy, you mustbe internally clean as well as everything else you do. It is no goodhaving the muscles if your system is in a bad state. If your pH level is below the 7.4 mark, put it right without delay by drinking Kangen water.
Kangen water has been around for over 40 years in Japan. Japan has one thing in mind, they work on prevention, whereas here in North America we concentrate on treatment. This water is a life saver and gets rid of acidic wastes, it builds your pH level to where it should be to protect your body.
We have known since 1931 how cancer is caused, yet with this knowledge many ignore the lessons we were taught. To recap, A gentleman by the name of Dr. Anton Walberg received the Nobel Prize for discovering that Cancer cannot establish itself in an alkaline body, yet in an acidic body, Cancer and other illnessare rampant. Yes, if your body is acidic, the chances of you having some kind of illness, such as acid reflux, arthritis, diabetes, cancer and Fibromyalgia is very likely. Therefore correct it by drinking Kangen water.
I wonder if you realize, your body is the greatest chemicalmanufacturing plant under the sun. For that chemical magic to work perfectly, un-encountered factors must be in perfect balance. With only marginal balance we get marginal results. One of the most important, yet most overlooked internal balances,is that of acid-based balance.We have known for a long time, that the chemistry of the human pH level the body operates best in an alkaline state and the internal environment of the healthy body is slightly alkaline, maintaining a pH of just above 7.00. The countless chemical reactions necessary for lifecan only occur within a very specific pH range. Because the pH level
It is so critical, the body has so many checks and balances tomaintain it's pH balance within a narrow range. One of the major mechanisims for bringing pH back into line when it becomes too acid is to draw calcium and other alkalinizing minerals from bones to buffer this acidicy and alkalinize the body. While bones do not suffer from an occasional withdrawal of calcium for alkalinization,excessive and prolonged acidicy can drain bone calcimium reservesand lead to bone thinning. Recent research now documents the long standing speculation that an acid internal condition leads to loss of minerals from the body and from the bone iin particular.
One cancer which is considered #1, that of colon cancer. I ask you to read this article, then watch the video to fully explain this.In order to be healthy and having a good life, you must get your body in an alkaline state by drinking lots of Kangen water. This must be your plan for a happy and healthy lifeThis is one of the main reasons, we are Number 37 in longevity, and Japan is Number 1 and why our medical costs are spiraling.
Prevention makes much more sense, it is less costly, I think you will agree. What we must strive to achieve is a proper human pH level. A human pH level with this Kangen water will certainly keep us healthy and rid you of acidic wastes. We ask you to act upon this information.
Alkaline Body..........Over acidity weakens the body's immune system, it is very common today. It gives rise to an internal environment conductive to disease, as opposed to an alkaline body which allows normal body function necessary for to resist disease. A healthy body maintainsadequate alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands. When excess acids must be neutralized our alkaline reserves are depleted leaving the body in a weakened condition. This weakened body allows disease to manifest itself in the form of colds, flu, respiratory problems, low energy syndrome and fungus infections just to name a few.The countless names of illnesses really does not matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause, too much tissue acid waste in the body which is caused by an acid diet and and drinking a water with a low pH level, also, pure nutrition in our air, water and food.
When food is metabolized and broken down in the body, it leaves certain residues which yield either alkaline or acidic potentials of pH. These residues appear to most strongly influence body pH levels and can lead to serious health problems, weight gain, poor athletic performance, low energy levels and premature aging if continuously too acidic or too alkaline.
Our body is in a constant struggle to maintain proper pH levels - too acidic means the body has to work extra hard to expel excess acidic ash waste or allow it to pile up; too alkaline often means the body is struggling with low electrolyte levels that weaken muscle and nerve functions. A consistent pH imbalance - either too acidic or too alkaline - interferes with the body's basic operations.
I m often asked, how much water per day to drink, well, I drink about 1 gallon per day. Drinking normal water this would be a problem, however, as the molecules of this kangen water are only about 6 as compared to the 16 in bottled and tap water, I do not feel full and bloated in any way.
By having only 6 molecules the Kangen water enters the cells much easier, therefore easier to drink. Growing up, mother told me to drink 8 glasses a day, that was always difficult, however, if Kangen water had been around, it would have been simple as I now drink much more than that.
CLICK HERE for full information on how this Kangen water is made.
Here is a simple example. Visit a drug store and take a look at the shelves covered with antacid pills. There are so many different treatments.. Do you know this is a 3 billion dollar business. 3 billion, maybe this will give you an idea why it remains a 3 billion dollar business. During this last 40 years, Kangen water the best water to drink has been used exclusively in all the major Hospitals. Now that there is a kangen water unit, made for the home, over 6% of all homes in Japan now have Kangen water available for them and their families, they now have the safest water to drink. This number is growing fast. Japanese found a treatment, Kangen water is such a remedy for it is the best water to drink and the safest water to drink.I believe you will also agree, if Kangen water has been around for 40 years and we are receiving testimonials day after day, the Japanese are doing something right. Here are some of the reasons, we are treating our bodies completely wrong.
The worst thing that anyone, especially children can do is to drink these so-called soft drinks that are for sale everywhere you look.
Drinks such as Sprite, 7 up, Power Drinks, These drinks have a human pH level of approximately 5.00. There are also drinks called Power Drinks, these are in fact less than 2.5 pH level. It takes 32 glasses of Kangen water at a level of 9.00 pH to negate one glass of Power Aide.
Considering, the human pH balance is 7.365 to keep our blood flowing, can you see how bad these other drinks are for you?????
As you no doubt are aware the body must protect itself. First by stealing what it requires from the calcium in your bones and teeth. If it still cannot keep up with the certain destruction of the body, it then begins to store acidic wastes in various parts of the body. Such as on the thighs, stomach and buttocks.
Remember, two very famous people suffered with having acidic wastes stored in their colons, each had over 42lbs of compacted acidic wastes in their colons, these acidic wastes had been there for many years. We are talking about both John Wayne and Elvis Presley.
Can you imagine how they suffered, should they have known they would certainly have had a colon cleanse. This can be done on a continual basis by drinking Kangen Water.
This now makes us all aware why there is so much obesity on this continent. Don't you agree?
Remember, get that human pH level at 7.365 then you will be much healthier.
We all are in need of Anti-oxidants, so drink kangen water and get those anti-oxidents.,
watch and listen to this.
It has been said one should drink 8 glasses of water a day, however you have to drink the best water if you did so, you would be much healthier as long as you did without drinking 7 up, sprite, power drinks and yes bottled water. Please read this article.
It is a fact that there are a number of acidic foods we all eat, we are obliged to take those into our calculation. I hope you are taking this all in, as we must become more healthy by drinking the safest water to drink.
As our slogan says, Change your water, change your life.
We ask you to listen to the testimonials, for you will hear how so many people have had THEIR lives changed by drinking Kangen Water the best water to drink.
Once you listen to these testimonials you will need to know more of this kangen water, so we suggest you read many of the articles to the right of this page.
Should you have any questions, or you live in British Columbia Canada I would invite you to see a demonstration of the Kangen water, the safe water to drink.
Please contact Ralph Morton 604-536-6813 or email noviorbis@telus.net
We have a demonstration every Thursday at 7 PM at the Health and Wellness Center at 1483 Johnson Rd, this is next door to the Whaling Wall.
Please call Ralph and book a reservation as seats are limited.
For much more information visit this site.......
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By: CNN Sunday’s Carol Lin interviews Dr. Young

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