Kangen Water

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bugs in your Kitchen? Food poisoning,Yikes

I had a friend over for the Cardinal/Eagle play off game and as usual I was cooking up a storm.
He asked me in general "What type of cleaners do you use to sanitize your kitchen" (he knows I'm a Kangen Water nut, and always mentioning a new way to use it)
I pulled out my black container of 2.5 KangenAcid water and sprayed down my cutting board after I first cleaned it with my 11.5 Strong KangenWater. As I opened the 2.5 I had him take a smell of it and he almost fell backwards! "That smells just like BLEACH"! he cried, and indeed it does, BUT IT'S WATER...

So, if your like me and know of the risks of 409 type cleaners for not only the environment but more important "YOUR HEALTH" I know you'll fall in Love with your SD501 Enagic KangenWater Water Generator. I know I sure have.

How many of you or your loved ones have become ill from eating chicken infected with salmonella, E. coli, or camphylobacter?
It is recommended that we cook chicken to 165 degrees and carefully wash our hands with soap after handling it.Infections from salmonella, E.coli, and camphylobacter can be lethal in the elderly, infants, and those with immune system impairment.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 3.4 million Americans will become ill and 700 will die die to salmonella and camphylobacter from all sources. Strong Acidic Kangen Water to the rescue!Studies from U.C. Davis' Department of Agriculture show that by using the strong acidic form of Kangen water will kill these bacteria, and hundreds of other food borne pathogens.This occurs in less than 1 minute of exposure.Strong Acidic Kangen water is a great common sense approach to cleaning your meats and kitchen to ensure the safety of your and your family's health.

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