Kangen Water

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fluoride Filtered?

December 27 2008

Re: Fluoride, filter, etc.

My daughter and husband are visiting and I have shared the Kangen DVD with them. They are really considering buying it. My daughter wanted to know if this machine aside from filtering out chlorine's and minerals out of the water if it also cleanses the water of fluoride.

First, as in your message above ... the Enagic high grade filter does not filter out minerals ... it filters out chlorine and lead. Enagic specifically does not filter finer than 5 microns, as it does not want to lose these precious minerals ... so necessary for the ionization process. Remember, ionization can only take place in the presence of minerals!

As to fluoride; the company is not able to make the claim at this time that the ionizer filters out fluoride. The company is very careful to not make any claim for which it does not have specific clinical research.

That being said: One of my people has a distributor who used to have his own water company, and sold it, to become an Enagic distributor. He has stated to his sponsor that fluoride is acidic, and as such, becomes part of the acid discharge from our Kangen alkaline drinking water. I asked Mr. Fukuda about this, and he said that that is their understanding too, but they are awaiting official word from Japan. So, officially, we do not "filter out” fluoride ... but our ionization process releases it (unofficial).

At Dr. Peggy Parker's seminar, the question came up about contaminants and harmful bacteria, and Dr. Parker told us that the processor does not filter them out BUT ... having been hit with 230 watts of electricity ... how many bacteria would still be alive? Again, officially, we are not "filtering out" bacteria ... we are "ionizing" them out! (Again unofficial).

People are so obsessed with getting the WATER absolutely pure ... they forget about all of the contaminants that they have been ingesting and assimilating for decades! What about all of the chemicals and hormones injected into our beef and chicken? What about the TONS of contaminants in our atmosphere that we ingest with every breath we breathe? And … the over-the-counter and prescriptions drugs ... years of smoke or second-hand smoke? Pesticides and herbicides adhered to our fruits and vegetables with an oil base that does not rinse off with ordinary water? The preservatives in our foods? What comes with the food we eat in restaurants? And the terrible chemicals in our beauty and hair products? -- And then we worry about an extra particle of something in our water??? My mother would call this "Straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.)

Remember, we are not selling "filtered water." We are selling Kangen Water(tm) that is alkaline and micro-clustered, with the highest ORP available, to handle all of the free radicals that are tearing up our cells and the organs, glands, and tissues that they support. This wonderful micro-clustered water is able to deeply hydrate our tissues and cells ... bringing in the nutrients and washing out the toxins. Our cells become whole. And the organs, glands and tissues return to their original design and function! This wonderful water literally brings our body back into balance!

And the wonderful thing about all of this is that we and our whole family will have the benefits of this wonderful water for the next fifteen to twenty years! Mr. Oshiro considers this a lifetime purchase, as the processor can continue to be serviced and maintained even after fifteen or twenty years.

An Enagic water ionizer is the BEST health investment any family can make!


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