ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
Please feel free to contact me if you need more info, bottom line is this will be a very "FUN" Saturday event. The first time I went to an event saw like mined people and the presentation I was SOLD right on the spot, I knew that was NO way I'd be able to continue on with the same water after knowing what I now new.
Definition of insanity? Keep doing the same thing and expect different results! GET your prospects here, message me and I will welcome them if you're not able to attend. I promise this changes everything!
You are Invited to Attend the
Beginning Distributor “Power Start” Training
& Water Demonstration on Saturday September 26th, 2009 From 9:00am to 5:00pm in Mesa Arizona. Lunch Included!
Don’t be Taught by Teachers, Be Mentored by Millionaires: Eli & Jillina Dafesh 6A6-3, and Their DYNAMIC Guest Mentors for the Day.
• Tim Blau 6A4-2 (a Top Rank)
• Thera Huish 6A2 (another Top Rank)
• A surprise Network Marketing pro who has trained Thousands of Distributors and Now calls Enagic Home.
Seats Are Limited so DON’T wait… You Snooze You Lose…
Walk Ups Are Not Guaranteed A Seat! Pre-Register NOW!
Now is your chance to reserve a VIP seat up front. By clicking on the link below and submitting your payment you are guaranteed a front row seat.
Keep your paid receipt from Pay Pal as your ticket to the event
This is a NO BRAINER, Must Attend, NO Matter What Training!!
You can’t afford not to attend!!
How often do you get to spend the day with Millionaires? Probably NEVER…
Just think of what you will learn from the people who
Actually have Done what you Want To Do!
Eli Dafesh is the Donald Trump of Enagic and he’s coming to Phoenix to Teach You First Hand How He Made MILLIONS…
This will be an all day event from 9:00am to 5:00pm but, we promise it won't be boring... Bring your entire team. Bring as many guests as you can.
For more information and send your prospects, feel free to contact me at or just call me at 480-559-8484
I will welcome your prospects personally at the event and help answer any and all of their questions, I will even assist in paperwork on your behalf at the event! ROCKS! We all have an obligation to tell as many people as possible about Kangen and the events in our area. KangenWaterMagic is too precious not to share with all.