ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
More than half of all Americans drink bottled water and unfortunately about a third of the population considers themselves regular uses of bottled water, according to the NRDC. Sales have tripled in the past 10 years, to about $4 billion a year. More than half of all Americans drink bottled water and unfortunately about a third of the population considers themselves regular uses of bottled water, according to the NRDC.
Bottled water sales have tripled in the past 10 years, to about $4 billion a year. This crazy influx of sales is due to millions of dollars spent on deceiving marketing campaigns to make us think bottled water is healthier, cleaner and safe for the environment.
Yikes, O.K. so now what are you supposed to do? STOP buying and drinking bottled water! O.K. so what do you drink instead? I mean everyone knows that soda's are NOT good for you, loaded with acid and are killing out youth to the tune of some 70 gallons per person per year right? "What you didn't know this? Because YOU certainly don't drink 70 gallons now do you?" 9Guess what folks, it's your kids and it is killing them with cancer and juvenile diabetics) stay tuned to this KangenWaterMagic blogg for more shocking truths. BUT... here is what you do and you can do it today!
You need, and I stress NEED to buy a SD501 for yourself and family for 20-25 years of the very best water on the planet! And it's just that simple. If you will take the time to poke around this blogg you will find hundreds of articles, videos and more on the truth of how ONLY Kangen water by Enagic is the Platinum setting the ionized, Alkaline, water debate on fire! Actually Kangen water puts out the fire with the facts and the truth, don't be fooled by brand X" Sure they are cheaper, because they "ARE CHEAPER"! Get it?
Anyway, you can contact this blogger directly through the web site of www.KangenWaterMagic.com or www.KangenWaterMagic.info to order this blessed Kangen Water today! And the results will astound you I guarantee.
Once you have your own SD501 water processor it's a matter of buying some of the right containers to keep your precious Kangen with you at all times.
Here is a quick rundown on the most commonly used and safest kind of plastics.
PET (or PETE) 1: Polyethylene terephthalate, Is the kind of plastic that is most likely what your clear single-serve water bottle is made of. It has been deemed safe for one-time use, but refilling may increase risk of chemicals leaching out into the water. Not recommended for re-use/re-filling.
HDPE 2: High-density polyethylene, this plastic is commonly used for gallon jugs, and has not been linked to any leaching.
PP5: Polypropylene, is a plastic that is easily molded. Meaning it is made with fewer chemicals than other plastics, and has not been linked to leaching.
Plastics you should avoid:
#3 polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), it has endocrine disruptors and probable human carcinogens.
#6 polystyrene (PS) can leach styrene into food and water.
#7 polycarbonate, contains a bisphenol-A (a hormone disruptor). However, it is used in most baby bottles, five-gallon water jugs and reusable sports bottles.
So now you have some compelling facts to help you make the switch to Kangen water and I hope you will visit the www.KangenWaterMagic.com sites, watch the videos, get the FREE e-book and 9 issue news letter order your Kangen processor, and get ready to "Change your Water~Change your Life" TODAY...
Have a WATERFUL day!