ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
Just another Kangen Water Magic testimony as I have been getting a lot of questions about diabetes, and other diseases, so here is one from a man that I've known for many years. But first, a little background that is very alarming to say the least.
It is estimated that nearly 8% of the Canadian and American population (about 26 million people) have diabetes, of which 90% is of the Type 2 variety. The number of cases doubled between 1990 and 2005, and the Center for Disease Control has called the increase in numbers an epidemic. (You think?) Anyway.
Historically, Type 2 Diabetes has been considered a disease of adults, but the exploding rates of obesity in our youth has corresponded with an alarming increase in the disease in our children. Our convenient fast food lifestyle is not helping people, and even home cooking with all the steroids, and antibiotics and preservatives in ALL foods makes it tough at best. Much like fighting the war with bugs here in Arizona, or fighting the reality of bad weather we deal with it but we also have become more informed and prepared for a more preventative approach to our documented problems that have to be faced.
Diabetes is determined by measuring the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood, and it is expressed in millimoles per litre (mmol/l). Normally blood glucose levels stay within narrow limits throughout the day: But levels are higher after meals and usually lowest in the morning. Diabetes occurs when the blood sugar level moves outside these limits on a sustained basis. As people get older, glucose levels typically tend to edge towards the upper end of the scale. Things always change and that's just the way it is. BUT...
There are a couple of ways to deal with Type 2 Diabetes. Of course, one is the product of the pharmaceutical world, and the other is completely under your control. Drink KangenWater daily! 1-1/2 oz. per lb. of your body weight. Weight 150lbs? then drink at least 75 oz. of delicious Kangen Water Magic and see what happens, Guess which one I prefer? (P.S. I will never have diabetes! and I know that for a fact)
My friend Jim, the individual in this story has a family history of Type 2 diabetes that begins at approximately age 60. Mom and Dad, aunts and uncles all got Type 2 diabetes around age 60. So, it wasn’t much of a surprise for this particular gentleman when his doctor informed him that he had developed Type 2 Diabetes at age 59.
His physician informed him that his glucose (blood sugar level) had exceeded 12, and that it was time to do something about it. The doctor correctly informed the gentleman that he could get his blood sugar level down with a combination of a better diet and some exercise….my kind of doctor! (Why do people wait until they are sick to start taking care of themselves? More Americans take better care of their car than they do their own physical vehicle!) Amazing
Jim immediately started to change his diet with the focus on cutting out carbohydrates. If you have been through this, you will know that it isn’t that hard, but by the same token eating too much animal fat and protein isn't healthy either, but you do what you have to do, or you could ultimately face taking insulin for the rest of your life. Alkalizing the body is the 100% answer here, just to get to the bottom line. Keep your portions 80% Alkaline and 20% Protein/Dairy and see the MAGIC that will happen! Results guaranteed.
Despite being able to curb the carbs, and paying more attention to his lifestyle, Jim found that his glucose level remained in the 12 to 14+ range over a period of more than a year. His Doctor recommended a natural remedy (Why didn't this Dr. start off natural to begin with? It's called a lifestyle change and anyone who will step up to the call will feel better, look better and life will just be better!) and said that if the remedy didn’t work, he would have to consider taking the insulin pills. YIKES!
At the same time that Jim began to take the natural remedy, he also started drinking Kangen Water Magic that I started sharing with him. He informed his Doctor that he had been researching this new water called Kangen, and the doctor said he would be very interested in the results, after all Jim told him it was a medical grade device and is used in Hospitals and medical centers in Japan! (it's amazing that 98% of Dr.s don't practice real health care. It's more like SICK care. And as the body is 70% water, doesn't it make sense to drink the very best water? I mean do you actually know what is in the bottled/tap water you're drinking? If you did you wouldn't drink it PERIOD!!!)
The results were dramatic. Within two and one half weeks, his glucose level went down to 8. Jim was very pleased with the turn of events after fighting unsuccessfully with the disease for more than a year and he couldn’t help but wonder if the results were due to the remedy, or the water, or a combination of both. So, to test the results, he stopped taking the natural remedy recommended by the doctor. It is now four months later and Robert’s glucose levels remain at 8.
The Doc was very impressed, which I find very encouraging. The medical profession may handcuff the doctors, but it is only a matter of time before they will have to face the reality that KangenWaterMagic removes acid and allows the body to heal itself….naturally. Kangen Water is NOT a cure! better it allows the body to bring itself back to the levels it was designed to be at.
Have a WaterFul Day my friends! You may contact me directly at
and join us here in Mesa Arizona Thursday evenings for our new weekly wellness awareness presentations! Presentations going on weekly throughout the county, ask for a presentation in your area!
For More information on the powers of Kangen water and diseases consider www.KangenWaterMagic.info for shocking detoxing results. All disease is a direct result of too much acid and that is just a simple fact.