Saturday, September 26, 2009
Ionized KangenWaterMagic Health: Bottled Water Danger Truth! Easy solution is Kangen
ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
Bottled Water Danger Truth! Easy solution is Kangen

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
More than half of all Americans drink bottled water and unfortunately about a third of the population considers themselves regular uses of bottled water, according to the NRDC. Sales have tripled in the past 10 years, to about $4 billion a year. More than half of all Americans drink bottled water and unfortunately about a third of the population considers themselves regular uses of bottled water, according to the NRDC.
Bottled water sales have tripled in the past 10 years, to about $4 billion a year. This crazy influx of sales is due to millions of dollars spent on deceiving marketing campaigns to make us think bottled water is healthier, cleaner and safe for the environment.
Yikes, O.K. so now what are you supposed to do? STOP buying and drinking bottled water! O.K. so what do you drink instead? I mean everyone knows that soda's are NOT good for you, loaded with acid and are killing out youth to the tune of some 70 gallons per person per year right? "What you didn't know this? Because YOU certainly don't drink 70 gallons now do you?" 9Guess what folks, it's your kids and it is killing them with cancer and juvenile diabetics) stay tuned to this KangenWaterMagic blogg for more shocking truths. BUT... here is what you do and you can do it today!
You need, and I stress NEED to buy a SD501 for yourself and family for 20-25 years of the very best water on the planet! And it's just that simple. If you will take the time to poke around this blogg you will find hundreds of articles, videos and more on the truth of how ONLY Kangen water by Enagic is the Platinum setting the ionized, Alkaline, water debate on fire! Actually Kangen water puts out the fire with the facts and the truth, don't be fooled by brand X" Sure they are cheaper, because they "ARE CHEAPER"! Get it?
Anyway, you can contact this blogger directly through the web site of or to order this blessed Kangen Water today! And the results will astound you I guarantee.
Once you have your own SD501 water processor it's a matter of buying some of the right containers to keep your precious Kangen with you at all times.
Here is a quick rundown on the most commonly used and safest kind of plastics.
PET (or PETE) 1: Polyethylene terephthalate, Is the kind of plastic that is most likely what your clear single-serve water bottle is made of. It has been deemed safe for one-time use, but refilling may increase risk of chemicals leaching out into the water. Not recommended for re-use/re-filling.
HDPE 2: High-density polyethylene, this plastic is commonly used for gallon jugs, and has not been linked to any leaching.
PP5: Polypropylene, is a plastic that is easily molded. Meaning it is made with fewer chemicals than other plastics, and has not been linked to leaching.
Plastics you should avoid:
#3 polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), it has endocrine disruptors and probable human carcinogens.
#6 polystyrene (PS) can leach styrene into food and water.
#7 polycarbonate, contains a bisphenol-A (a hormone disruptor). However, it is used in most baby bottles, five-gallon water jugs and reusable sports bottles.
So now you have some compelling facts to help you make the switch to Kangen water and I hope you will visit the sites, watch the videos, get the FREE e-book and 9 issue news letter order your Kangen processor, and get ready to "Change your Water~Change your Life" TODAY...
Have a WATERFUL day!
Unsafe drinking water found in 1000's of Schools!

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
Over the last decade, the drinking water at thousands of schools across the country has been found to contain unsafe levels of lead, pesticides and dozens of other toxins.
An Associated Press investigation found that contaminants have surfaced at public and private schools in all 50 states — in small towns and inner cities alike.
But the problem has gone largely unmonitored by the federal government, even as the number of water safety violations has multiplied.
"It's an outrage," said Marc Edwards, an engineer at Virginia Tech who has been honored for his work on water quality. "If a landlord doesn't tell a tenant about lead paint in an apartment, he can go to jail. But we have no system to make people follow the rules to keep school children safe?"
The contamination is most apparent at schools with wells, which represent 8 to 11 percent of the nation's schools. Roughly one of every five schools with its own water supply violated the Safe Drinking Water Act in the past decade, according to data from the Environmental Protection Agency analyzed by the AP.
In California's farm belt, wells at some schools are so tainted with pesticides that students have taken to stuffing their backpacks with bottled water for fear of getting sick from the drinking fountain. But guess what, the bottled waters are no better, and not regulated for bacteria not to mention that they could have been sitting on a pallets outside somewhere for several years going through HOT and COLD temperatures and seeping dioxins etc. into that water, hence everyone drinking the bottled water is basically drinking a petroleum cocktail! Yikes, this is getting out of control and I'm sure glad I have my SD501!
Experts and children's advocates complain that responsibility for drinking water is spread among too many local, state and federal agencies, and that risks are going unreported. Finding a solution, they say, would require a costly new national strategy for monitoring water in schools.
Schools with unsafe water represent only a small percentage of the nation's 132,500 schools. And the EPA says the number of violations spiked over the last decade largely because the government has gradually adopted stricter standards for contaminants such as arsenic and some disinfectants.
Many of the same toxins could also be found in water at homes, offices and businesses. But the contaminants are especially dangerous to children, who drink more water per pound than adults and are more vulnerable to the effects of many hazardous substances.
"There's a different risk for kids," said Cynthia Dougherty, head of the EPA's Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water.
Still, the EPA does not have the authority to require testing for all schools and can only provide guidance on environmental practices.
In recent years, students at a Minnesota elementary school fell ill after drinking tainted water. A young girl in Seattle got sick, too.
The AP analyzed a database showing federal drinking water violations from 1998 to 2008 in schools with their own water supplies. The findings:
• Water in about 100 school districts and 2,250 schools breached federal safety standards.
• Those schools and districts racked up more than 5,550 separate violations. In 2008, the EPA recorded 577 violations, up from 59 in 1998 — an increase that officials attribute mainly to tougher rules.
• California, which has the most schools of any state, also recorded the most violations with 612, followed by Ohio (451), Maine (417), Connecticut (318) and Indiana (289).
• Nearly half the violators in California were repeat offenders. One elementary school in Tulare County, in the farm country of the Central Valley, broke safe-water laws 20 times.
• The most frequently cited contaminant was coliform bacteria, followed by lead and copper, arsenic and nitrates.
The AP analysis has "clearly identified the tip of an iceberg," said Gina Solomon, a San Francisco physician who serves on an EPA drinking water advisory board. "This tells me there is a widespread problem that needs to be fixed because there are ongoing water quality problems in small and large utilities, as well."
Schools with wells are required to test their water and report any problems to the state, which is supposed to send all violations to the federal government.
But EPA officials acknowledge the agency's database of violations is plagued with errors and omissions. And the agency does not specifically monitor incoming state data on school water quality.
Critics say those practices prevent the government from reliably identifying the worst offenders — and carrying out enforcement.
Scientists say the testing requirements fail to detect dangerous toxins such as lead, which can wreak havoc on major organs and may retard children's learning abilities.
"There is just no excuse for this. Period," said California Sen. Barbara Boxer, Democratic chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. "We want to make sure that we fix this problem in a way that it will never happen again, and we can ensure parents that their children will be safe."
The problem goes beyond schools that use wells. Schools that draw water from public utilities showed contamination, too, especially older buildings where lead can concentrate at higher levels than in most homes.
In schools with lead-soldered pipes, the metal sometimes flakes off into drinking water. Lead levels can also build up as water sits stagnant over weekends and holidays.
Schools that get water from local utilities are not required to test for toxins because the EPA already regulates water providers. That means there is no way to ensure detection of contaminants caused by schools' own plumbing.
But voluntary tests in Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Seattle and Los Angeles have found dangerous levels of lead in recent years. And experts warn the real risk to schoolchildren is going unreported.
"I really suspect the level of exposure to lead and other metals at schools is underestimated," said Michael Schock, a corrosion expert with the EPA in Cincinnati. "You just don't know what is going on in the places you don't sample."
Since 2004, the agency has been asking states to increase lead monitoring. As of 2006, a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found nearly half of all schools nationwide do not test their water for lead.
Because contaminant levels in water can vary from drinking fountain to drinking fountain, and different children drink different amounts of water, epidemiologists often have trouble measuring the potential threats to children's health.
But children have suffered health problems attributed to school water:
• In 2001, 28 children at a Worthington, Minn., elementary school experienced severe stomach
• In Seattle several years ago, a 6-year-old girl suffered stomach aches and became disoriented and easily exhausted. The girl's mother asked her daughter's school to test its water, and also tested a strand of her daughter's hair. Tests showed high levels of copper and lead, which figured into state health officials' decision to phase-in rules requiring schools to test their water for both contaminants.
Many school officials say buying bottled water is less expensive than fixing old pipes. Baltimore, for instance, has spent more than $2.5 million on bottled water over the last six years.
After wrestling with unsafe levels of arsenic for almost two years, administrators in Sterling, Ohio, southeast of Cincinnati, finally bought water coolers for elementary school students last fall. Now they plan to move students to a new building.
In California, the Department of Public Health has given out more than $4 million in recent years to help districts overhaul their water systems.
But school administrators in the farmworker town of Cutler cannot fix chronic water problems at Lovell High School because funding is frozen due to the state's budget crisis.
Signs posted above the kitchen sink warn students not to drink from the tap because the water is tainted with nitrates, a potential carcinogen, and DBCP, a pesticide scientists say may cause male sterility.
As gym class ended one morning, thirsty basketball players crowded around a five-gallon cooler, the only safe place to get a drink on campus.
"The teachers always remind us to go to the classroom and get a cup of water from the cooler," said sophomore Israel Aguila. "But the bathroom sinks still work, so sometimes you kind of forget you can't drink out of them."
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Kangen Water Understood

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
Kangen is a Japanese word, best translated into English as "Return To Original" which means several things when used to describe water.
Kangen water is simply an easier way of stating… Alkaline, ionized, anti-oxidant electron rich, restructured, micro clustered, active hydrogen saturated, oxidation reduced, powerful living water.
It is trademarked and makes our lives a whole lot easier than having to say all this each time.
What the name brand Kleenex is to tissue paper we are to alkaline ionized water.
Kangen Water is first purified, then given an electrical charge to recreate
electron rich water.
It's molecular formula shifts from H2O to H+ OH-
In plain old English.... It's now living water again.
Kangen water can Flush Toxins and Neutralize Acidity in your body.
Kangen water is water that has gone through a Special Electrolysis Process that changes the pH of the water to ALKALINE and much, much more.
First, it describes water returned to the state in which water was often foundin nature before the earth became polluted.
Second, it implies that it will help to return your body to its original condition when you were young.
Kangen water is a powerful antioxidant, perhaps more powerful than any single food or vitamin supplement because Kangen water contains active hydrogen which supplies huge amounts of extra electrons to our body.
Most other water electrolysis equipment will not create active hydrogen in their water, therefore, the equipment merely produces ionized alkaline water, not true Kangen water.
In fact, the antioxidant potential of a single glass of Kangen water would cost several dollars to duplicate with vitamin supplements, and they would never be absorbed by our body the way water is.
The Kangen Water Technology has been approved for its medical benefits by the Japanese Ministry of Health & Welfare. (The Japanese equivalent of the FDA ).
Some of the areas that people have noticed improvements in their health include arthritis, chronic fatigue, leg cramps, migraines, diabetes. Also heartburn, poor circulation, gout, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hypertension, asthma, skin rashes, dermatitis, psoriasis, obesity,weight issues, diarrhea, indigestion, heart disease, allergies, constipation,stomach ulcers, hepatitis, cancer, and many more areas have had considerable results.
• Kangen water is also known to have small clusters of 5 to 6 water molecules , as a result of the electrolysis process. Making it a Super Hydrating water. You can taste the difference in your first glass. Tap water is typically 12 to 15 molecules per cluster. That is over double the size of Kangen water.
Small clusters also mean that your body can readily absorb the minerals in this water into your cells in mere seconds. Reverse Osmosis, Distilled and tap water will slosh around in your stomach and often flush key minerals out of your body because they lack these important properties.
This is particularly important for your metabolism since smaller elements pass through cell membranes more easily and eliminate acidic wastes and toxins from your body more effectively. With this water, your body will enjoy the quicker cellular hydration and super waste elimination.
The electrical charge of Kangen machine re-arranges healthy minerals that are naturally included in your tap water. As a result, Kangen water contains essential minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium, in an ionic form that can be assimilated immediately into your body.
It is now a common knowledge that a lot of medical benefits come from anti-oxidant properties.
The electrical charge of Kangen machine rearranges healthy minerals that are naturally included in your tap water. As a result, Kangen water contains essential minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium, in a form that can be assimilated into your body more easily. As you probably know already, it is now a common knowledge that a lot of medical benefits come from anti-oxidative property.
Oxidation Reduction Potential (O.R.P.)
is a measurement of voltage.
When it is measured as a negative millivolt this is life enhancing. ( Electron rich )
When measured with a positive millivolt it is life depleting. (Proton rich)
When you reduce active oxygen from the water you increase its power to slow down the oxidation process by eliminating "Free Radicals" safely from your body. This effectively helps to slow down the aging process.
Active oxygen is not healthy for the body and is what you feel if you have ever exercised too hard and felt your lungs burn. This is the type of oxygen reduced and removed from the water. Dissolved Oxygen is the kind that Dr. Warberg discussed and is what you want left in the water to create a healthy, strong body.
This ORP factor is perhaps one of the most important characteristics of Kangen Water because this is what distinguishes it from any other water on the market. Including its lesser grade cousin, Ionized Alkaline Water.
The reading of mV indicates the millivolts of hydrogen electrons present in the water available to bond with the free radicals and flush them out.
• These machines can produce incredibly functional waters, called Super Kangen Water (ORP: below -550mV) and Super Acidic Water (ORP: over +1000mV).
• While they are not meant for drinking, the power of these two waters, particularly Super Acidic Water, has been recognized and widely used in various medical practices in Japan for many years.
The only 5 aspects of Kangen water we are allowed to speak of or write about are:
Abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation
Chronic Diarrhea
Hyperacidity and
The astringent effect.
Although these are the bases of more significant illnesses, speaking of them is against the law. There are numerous cases in clinical studies conducted by doctors or pharmacists that found drinking Kangen water helps the body heal itself from various diseases.
It is also known that driving out active oxygen from the body with Kangen water inevitably boosts the natural healing power of the body.
• Flushes toxins.
• Disarms Free Radicals.
• Restores alkalinity in your body.
• Increases stable oxygen in your body.
• Enhances delivery of nutrients.
• Cooking with Alkaline water improves the nutritional value and the taste of food and drinks such as, tea and coffee.
• It makes acidic foods and drinks more alkaline.
Price of Item is $3980 but payments can be made through loans. All Systems are brand new and come with a lifetime warranty
If you would like to know more about the product please call Laurel or Karl at 480-559-8484
Presentations weekly around the country and Thursday evenings in Mesa AZ. e-mail for times and locations valley wide.
visit and for more compelling video's and get the FREE e-book and 9 issue newsletter.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Mircale water of Lourdes France as is KangenWater
World Famous Lourdes of France Miracle Water! Are you starting to see a connection here? Enjoy
An exploration of how and why places become invested with SACREDNESS and how the SACRED is embodied or made manifest through ART and ARCHITECTURE
In 1858, a fourteen-year-old peasant girl named Bernadette Soubirous had a series of eighteen visions of the Virgin Mary who appeared in a niche in the grotto of Massabielle near Lourdes, a village on the Gave de Pau river in the foothills of the Pyrenees in southern France. The first apparition occurred on 11 February 1858.
During her ninth apparition, on 25 February, Bernadette claimed to have been directed to a spring that had hitherto not existed in the grotto. Its discovery by Bernadette, witnessed by hundreds of onlookers, was eventually declared miraculous. Later studies have shown that the water is pure and contains chlorides of soda, lime and magnesia, bicarbonates of lime and magnesia, silicates of lime and aluminium, oxide of iron, sulphate of soda, phosphate, and organic matter. Otherwise, it is believed to contain no therapeutic ingredients.
The Miraculous Spring in the Grotto at Lourdes
Subsequently, however, the water was claimed to be capable of healing the sick and lame. Of the many thousands of pilgrims who visit Lourdes every year, some claim to be have been miraculously healed. It is estimated that the spring has produced 27,000 gallons of water each week since it first emerged during Bernadette's visions.
And now you have the opportunity to create this same magical water on demand from your own kitchen sink and it's the new wave in kitchens across America. Visit these sites for more information and get the Free e-book and 9 issue newsletter.
Healing Miracle Water in Nordenau Germany
2. Healing water in Germany
After the miraculous healing well in Mexico, another healing water source has been found, in Germany, 100 km east of Dusseldorf. A spring of very pure water, it was discovered in a cave in a disused slate mine at Nordenau, district of Schmalenberg, a popular ski resort.
Guido Brandenburg interviewed some of the pilgrims for the German newspaper Bild. An old woman told him that after covering her blind eye with the water, she can now see; an ex-miner said his back was healed and he has thrown away his crutch. Another woman said: "I always had problems with high blood pressure and was afraid of collapsing. I went to the grotto with my pressure at 160 to 100. I came out with 130 to 100. Now the blood pressure is constant, a fact which my doctor cannot explain."
Brandenburg, the Bild reporter, described what happened when he drank the water while standing in the energy zone: "After five minutes my fingertips vibrated," he said. "I felt as if an electric current flowed through me."
Adress: Hotel Tommes, 5948 Nordenau, Schmalenburg Germany. Tel.: +49-29 7596220
Now as you are reading these claims of Miracle waters around the world, you can either believe or not! Your choice, lot of people thought the world was flat too. No matter, but I have a very powerful suggestion! Contact me via any of my web sites
or espanol at
ask for the FREE e-book to download and do print out and enjoy, as well as ask for the FREE 9 issue Newsletter loaded with info!
click on the right side of blog and "Follow" along for all the latest updates and calendar of meetings.
Have a WaterFul Day!
UPDATE....Since its discovery in 1992, the spring of healing water in Nordenau, Germany, has been visited daily by hundreds of people from all over the world.
The spring is in a slate mine on the property of the Hotel Tommes in the Winterberg Mountains near Düsseldorf. Newspaper and television reports have spoken of miraculous healings attributed to the water, as people said to have been declared incurable by medical science have been healed of a variety of illnesses and medical conditions.
A particularly interesting story is that of an 18-year-old boy from Kiev. He and a number of other "children from Chernobyl" had been invited to Nordenau by Mr and Mrs Tommes (proprietors of Hotel Tommes). As a result of the nuclear accident at the Chernobyl power plant the boy was suffering from a very unusual form of lymphatic cancer which had already spread to his stomach and chest. This meant that he experienced great difficulty in breathing and was easily exhausted. Doctors had given up on him, declaring him to be incurably ill. During his visit to Nordenau, he went to the spring in the mine twice a day and after some time was well enough to cycle over the surrounding hills on a mountain-bike. After a stay of five weeks the symptoms of his illness had virtually disappeared. On leaving Germany and returning to Kiev the young man got a job and says he feels fine.
Research carried out in 1992 by a Dr Steinbruck from Frankfurt involved investigating the cases of 42 visitors to the healing spring. Of these cases, 30 per cent were completely cured; in 28 per cent of the cases there was a significant improvement in their condition; and in 26 per cent their condition had improved to some extent. These findings were confirmed by doctors. Recent research carried out by a Dr Gadek on 515 visitors who had drunk water from the spring, showed that, independent of age and personality type, in almost all cases there was a significant improvement in the quality of life after drinking the healing water.
Nordenau water was tested and investigated in the laboratories of Professor Shirahata in Fukuoha in Japan. It was discovered that diseases and conditions such as cataracts and arthritis and the initial stages of multiple sclerosis respond well to, and can be successfully treated with, Nordenau water. In May 1999 Professor Shirahata addressed a conference on molecular biology in Lugano, Switzerland, and spoke of the 'phenomenal' healing power of Nordenau water. He is currently studying the effects of the water on tumors and plans to publish his findings in 2000. Information about various studies is available from the Hotel Tommes.
Isn't it nice to know that some of the best things in Life don't need to be so complicated and that you have the power to change your life simply by changing your water.
Have a WaterFul day!
4 locations known for "Miracle" healing water Part I "Tlacote" Mexico

I thought it would be fun to share some information that is known world wide as holding Miracle waters around the world. KangenWaterMagic from our processor SD501 brings many of the same Miracle water property's into your home. Enjoy
ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!Journey to Tlacote
by Gill Fry
A nurse reports on her visit to the miraculous healing water well of Tlacote, Mexico, where she experienced an unexpected miracle.
Since May 1991, in the small town of Tlacote, two and a half hours drive north of Mexico City, a well has been producing miracle water. The ranch owner, Mr. Chahin, discovered the healing properties when his injured dog recovered rapidly, having drunk the water. After successful tests on his ranch workers, he opened up his gates to the public.
Gill Fry, a Share International co-worker in London, went to Tlacote in July 1992 and has written the following report.
As a professional nurse, I was fascinated by reports of Tlacote water having healed so many ailments, including diabetes, epilepsy, arthritis, cancer and even AIDS. Having worked with patients for 10 years who have suffered the pain and anguish of such diseases, the idea of finding a cure, or partial cure, was indescribably exciting.
It was thus that I set out, in July this year, on a quest to Mexico to collect the miracle water from Tlacote. From what I had read, I was expecting some hardship, at the very least to wait in line for three or four days and nights, in near tropical temperatures, and took with me a comprehensive survival kit (mosquito net, sunscreens, bedding, etc) and arrived prepared for any eventuality! I had also read that each person's water ration was generally three liters, and brought along several plastic containers. In the event, my expectations could not have been more wrong. A wonderfully kind colleague of Benjamin Creme in Mexico City took charge of me, drove me to Tlacote and, speaking the local language (which I do not), overcame each barrier and problem. Every door seemed wide open. My three-day stint turned into a mere three-hour wait; my water ration increased from three to 38 liters and more wonderful still, I witnessed the most extraordinary photograph possibly in existence, which confirmed everything I had believed in for the last six years.
exhausting job answering a deluge of questions from thousands of people everyday, yet she performs her task with endless patience and kindness, offering her advice freely. None of the ranch hands receives any money for this service, and they work from 9.30 to 15.30 hours every day. Mr. Chahin has never charged for the water, but considering the time and effort involved, to my mind a voluntary donation scheme could provide extra support and may sometime be introduced.
After the doctor's consultation, one stands in line to receive the water. Huge stainless steel tanks, which the government assisted in providing, pump the water to the plastic taps from the deep artesian well that, we are told, will never run dry. Having thought about this moment for months, I felt great elation as I watched my containers being filled. All my hopes were coming to pass and I had been given more water than I had ever dreamt possible. Thanking the ranch workers and tightening the lids further, I briefly pondered on the practicalities of carrying 38 liters of water, and the daunting thought of customs! (Curiously, in the event, nobody at customs asked a single question about the weight or contents of my overloaded bags, overflowing with miracle
water.) Such worries were quickly dispelled as I was handed a cup of the water. It tasted wonderful, slightly sweet, pure and light. By the end of the day I had been given three cupfuls and some days later realized my mistake! I was to suffer a gastric upset for a week. The water is totally clean and pure, but very potent. The dosage needed is very small indeed. A couple of teaspoonfuls would have been plenty for me.
I was shown around Mr. Chahin's office which had two long walls stacked with visitors files, and shelves covered with water-testing apparatus. Just as I was leaving, I was shown a framed photograph with the most extraordinary history and phenomenal implications. A man who had drunk the water, and had been healed, took numerous photographs of the ranch. On returning home, he had one frame left on his film. Anxious to finish and develop the film, he took a photograph of his new television set. The television was not on; the screen was blank. To his astonishment, after the film was developed, the last shot showed the television screen with a face upon it: the face of Christ with a crown of thorns on His head. I felt myself shiver as I looked at the powerful image. With limited time, I quickly took several photographs, hoping I could
capture the rather faint impression, with the complications of bright sunlight and a reflecting glass covering. Fortunately, the photographs I took seem even stronger than the original, and the face is clearly visible.
Traveling home with my exciting news, dragging my bags full of water, I felt triply blessed - my wait in line had been so short; I had been given gallons of water; and I had witnessed the most tangible evidence of Maitreya's presence.
(Tlacote water: the water is located on the ranch of Senor Jesus Chahin in the village of Tlacote, 15 miles from the city of Queretaro, which is approximately 2 1/2 hours drive north of Mexico City.)
From the September 1992 issue of Share International.
The clinical test results in improving diseases were reported as fllows :
HIV (Human Immundodeficiency Virus) | 100% |
Allergy | 99% |
Skin disease | 96% |
Respiratory disease | 89% |
Digestive organ disease | 91% |
Arthrosteitis | 87% |
Diabetes | 88% |
Our Hydrogen-Rich Water is equivalent to this " Miracle Healing Water ".
Since active hydrogen and molecular hydrogen evaporate relatively quickly, you must actually visit Tlacote
in order to cure chronic diseases. However, since you can obtain Hydrogen-Rich Water all the time and anyplace,
you do not need to visit Tlacote, Just visit and contact through the web site and you will be called/e-mailed within 24 hours and get all your questions answered as well as the opportunity to purchase a Kangen Water Magic by Enagic water processor.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Mesa Kangen Presention Event Sept. 26th
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009
KangenWaterMagic Mesa AZ event Sept 26th
ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
Please feel free to contact me if you need more info, bottom line is this will be a very "FUN" Saturday event. The first time I went to an event saw like mined people and the presentation I was SOLD right on the spot, I knew that was NO way I'd be able to continue on with the same water after knowing what I now new.
Definition of insanity? Keep doing the same thing and expect different results! GET your prospects here, message me and I will welcome them if you're not able to attend. I promise this changes everything!
You are Invited to Attend the
Beginning Distributor “Power Start” Training
& Water Demonstration on Saturday September 26th, 2009 From 9:00am to 5:00pm in Mesa Arizona. Lunch Included!
Don’t be Taught by Teachers, Be Mentored by Millionaires: Eli & Jillina Dafesh 6A6-3, and Their DYNAMIC Guest Mentors for the Day.
• Tim Blau 6A4-2 (a Top Rank)
• Thera Huish 6A2 (another Top Rank)
• A surprise Network Marketing pro who has trained Thousands of Distributors and Now calls Enagic Home.
Seats Are Limited so DON’T wait… You Snooze You Lose…
Walk Ups Are Not Guaranteed A Seat! Pre-Register NOW!
Now is your chance to reserve a VIP seat up front. By clicking on the link below and submitting your payment you are guaranteed a front row seat.
Keep your paid receipt from Pay Pal as your ticket to the event
This is a NO BRAINER, Must Attend, NO Matter What Training!!
You can’t afford not to attend!!
How often do you get to spend the day with Millionaires? Probably NEVER…
Just think of what you will learn from the people who
Actually have Done what you Want To Do!
Eli Dafesh is the Donald Trump of Enagic and he’s coming to Phoenix to Teach You First Hand How He Made MILLIONS…
This will be an all day event from 9:00am to 5:00pm but, we promise it won't be boring... Bring your entire team. Bring as many guests as you can.
For more information and send your prospects, feel free to contact me at or just call me at 480-559-8484
I will welcome your prospects personally at the event and help answer any and all of their questions, I will even assist in paperwork on your behalf at the event! ROCKS! We all have an obligation to tell as many people as possible about Kangen and the events in our area. KangenWaterMagic is too precious not to share with all.
Friday, September 11, 2009
KangenWaterMagic instead of drugs~Eliminates type 2 diabetes

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
Just another Kangen Water Magic testimony as I have been getting a lot of questions about diabetes, and other diseases, so here is one from a man that I've known for many years. But first, a little background that is very alarming to say the least.
It is estimated that nearly 8% of the Canadian and American population (about 26 million people) have diabetes, of which 90% is of the Type 2 variety. The number of cases doubled between 1990 and 2005, and the Center for Disease Control has called the increase in numbers an epidemic. (You think?) Anyway.
Historically, Type 2 Diabetes has been considered a disease of adults, but the exploding rates of obesity in our youth has corresponded with an alarming increase in the disease in our children. Our convenient fast food lifestyle is not helping people, and even home cooking with all the steroids, and antibiotics and preservatives in ALL foods makes it tough at best. Much like fighting the war with bugs here in Arizona, or fighting the reality of bad weather we deal with it but we also have become more informed and prepared for a more preventative approach to our documented problems that have to be faced.
Diabetes is determined by measuring the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood, and it is expressed in millimoles per litre (mmol/l). Normally blood glucose levels stay within narrow limits throughout the day: But levels are higher after meals and usually lowest in the morning. Diabetes occurs when the blood sugar level moves outside these limits on a sustained basis. As people get older, glucose levels typically tend to edge towards the upper end of the scale. Things always change and that's just the way it is. BUT...
There are a couple of ways to deal with Type 2 Diabetes. Of course, one is the product of the pharmaceutical world, and the other is completely under your control. Drink KangenWater daily! 1-1/2 oz. per lb. of your body weight. Weight 150lbs? then drink at least 75 oz. of delicious Kangen Water Magic and see what happens, Guess which one I prefer? (P.S. I will never have diabetes! and I know that for a fact)
My friend Jim, the individual in this story has a family history of Type 2 diabetes that begins at approximately age 60. Mom and Dad, aunts and uncles all got Type 2 diabetes around age 60. So, it wasn’t much of a surprise for this particular gentleman when his doctor informed him that he had developed Type 2 Diabetes at age 59.
His physician informed him that his glucose (blood sugar level) had exceeded 12, and that it was time to do something about it. The doctor correctly informed the gentleman that he could get his blood sugar level down with a combination of a better diet and some exercise….my kind of doctor! (Why do people wait until they are sick to start taking care of themselves? More Americans take better care of their car than they do their own physical vehicle!) Amazing
Jim immediately started to change his diet with the focus on cutting out carbohydrates. If you have been through this, you will know that it isn’t that hard, but by the same token eating too much animal fat and protein isn't healthy either, but you do what you have to do, or you could ultimately face taking insulin for the rest of your life. Alkalizing the body is the 100% answer here, just to get to the bottom line. Keep your portions 80% Alkaline and 20% Protein/Dairy and see the MAGIC that will happen! Results guaranteed.
Despite being able to curb the carbs, and paying more attention to his lifestyle, Jim found that his glucose level remained in the 12 to 14+ range over a period of more than a year. His Doctor recommended a natural remedy (Why didn't this Dr. start off natural to begin with? It's called a lifestyle change and anyone who will step up to the call will feel better, look better and life will just be better!) and said that if the remedy didn’t work, he would have to consider taking the insulin pills. YIKES!
At the same time that Jim began to take the natural remedy, he also started drinking Kangen Water Magic that I started sharing with him. He informed his Doctor that he had been researching this new water called Kangen, and the doctor said he would be very interested in the results, after all Jim told him it was a medical grade device and is used in Hospitals and medical centers in Japan! (it's amazing that 98% of Dr.s don't practice real health care. It's more like SICK care. And as the body is 70% water, doesn't it make sense to drink the very best water? I mean do you actually know what is in the bottled/tap water you're drinking? If you did you wouldn't drink it PERIOD!!!)
The results were dramatic. Within two and one half weeks, his glucose level went down to 8. Jim was very pleased with the turn of events after fighting unsuccessfully with the disease for more than a year and he couldn’t help but wonder if the results were due to the remedy, or the water, or a combination of both. So, to test the results, he stopped taking the natural remedy recommended by the doctor. It is now four months later and Robert’s glucose levels remain at 8.
The Doc was very impressed, which I find very encouraging. The medical profession may handcuff the doctors, but it is only a matter of time before they will have to face the reality that KangenWaterMagic removes acid and allows the body to heal itself….naturally. Kangen Water is NOT a cure! better it allows the body to bring itself back to the levels it was designed to be at.
Have a WaterFul Day my friends! You may contact me directly at
and join us here in Mesa Arizona Thursday evenings for our new weekly wellness awareness presentations! Presentations going on weekly throughout the county, ask for a presentation in your area!
For More information on the powers of Kangen water and diseases consider for shocking detoxing results. All disease is a direct result of too much acid and that is just a simple fact.