Kangen Water

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Are you pH imbalanced?

THE EFFECTS OF  "pH IMBALANCE"                 

Are you fed up with doctors who aren't helping you feel better?
Are you sick and tired of choking down prescription drugs . . . . and then taking something else for the side effects of those drugs?
If you are trying to regain your energy levels so you can feel better, younger, and stronger than you have in years . . . . then, hold on to your hat – because I am going to tell you about something sooooo simple that is already helping thousands of folks put an end to some of their worst health problems . . . . . . .

It is no secret that your body is about 75% water.  Every one of your 100 trillion cells is filled with water and surrounded in water.  Every chemical in your body – from the stomach acid you need to digest food . . . the hormones that regulate thousands of bodily functions . . . the immune cells that attack infections before they can make you sick . . . to the blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to your cells – either contain water, or are suspended in water.
For vibrant health, all that water must be maintained at a proper pH balance – that means not too alkaline and not too acidic.
"pH" simply means "potential of Hydrogen" and is measured on a scale of 0 (100% acidic) to 15 (100% alkaline).
Healthy people with perfectly balanced pH have a reading of 7.4 in their blood and approximately 7.0 to 7.2 in their tissues.  That means every cell in your body should optimally be slightly alkaline.  That's good because most of your cells need to stay slightly alkaline to survive – and the truth is, we all live and die at that cellular level. (Note:  Everyone knows there body proper temperature should be 98.6... why do we not know our body's correct pH? 7.365 is perfect pH)

When you were born, your body was in perfect pH balance.  But, over the years, 3 facts of modern life cause your tissue pH readings to drop and become dangerously acidic:

  1. The simple act of living produces enormous amounts of acid in your body.
To do its all-important work, every cell in your body absorbs nutrients and excretes waste products that are extremely acidic.  Some of that waste is actually used to produce energy.  But over time, the unburned waste can pile up inside you, making your body more acidic with each passing day.

  1. The foods you love – even some  healthy ones – can flood your cells with acid.
Yogurt, wheat germ, navy & pinto beans, plums, spinach, honey, brown rice, many types of fish and other healthy foods may be good for you – but they're also infamous for raising acid levels in your cells.

Tidal waves of acid are released when you digest meat, eggs, milk, cheeses, white flour and sugar.  Not surprisingly, beer, wines, distilled spirits, coffee, soft drinks, sports drinks, and artificial sweeteners dump even more acid into your body.

  1. The modern world pours even more acid into you every single day.
Every day of your life, you absorb acid from the environment – from acid rain and other pollutants in your drinking water, and even from the polluted air you breathe.  If this isn't serious enough, most modern medicines and prescription drugs are notorious for producing acid in our bodies.

It's no wonder doctors find the vast majority of Americans suffer from dangerous pH imbalances  -- and our bodies are growing more acidic with each passing day.

      pH Balance equals LIFE . . . . High Acidity equals disease & illness!If you are one of the millions of Americans whose pH balance is too acidic, your body is working hard to neutralize acid, and bring you into balance.

To do that, your body needs certain key minerals that are known to neutralize acid.  Sadly, most of us get far too few of these essential minerals and so our bodies have no choice but to "borrow" them from organs and tissues where they're needed there.

Essential minerals are stolen away from your heart, brain, bones & joints, muscles, skin, as well as lungs and liver.
As they begin starving for the minerals they need to function properly, these muscles become weak, function less effectively, and eventually fail to work.
In short, when your pH balance becomes too acidic, all HECK breaks loose:

·                     In your heart and other muscles, acid erodes and weakens tissues, leaving you weak and easily fatigued.
·                     In your arteries, excess acid residue gives plaque a foothold, leaving you defenseless against cardiovascular problems or a brain destroying disaster.
·                     In your bones & joints, acid eats away at sensitive connective tissue, leaving you vulnerable to searing pain and crippling bone loss.
·                     In your skin, hair, eyes and ears, acid damage makes you look older and dims your eyesight and hearing.
·                     In your lungs, liver, pancreas and vital organs, acid attacks and ages your cells before their time, leaving you vulnerable to a major health nightmare down the road.
·                     In your bloodstream, acid attacks and kills the cells that are supposed to be protecting you from infection.  This can leave you with a compromised immune system.
What's more, if your body is unable to restore normal acid-alkaline levels, it can set off an avalanche of other serious health problems.

What do you think is the #3, #4 & #17  top selling products that the pharmaceutical companies are selling today?  "antacids" . . . . not to mention over-the-counter remedies.

In 2006, drug sales increased by 8.3% to $274.9 billion.
Prescriptions dispensed that year increased 4.6% to 3.7 billion.
Medicine is a BUSINESS - NOT a science. Become aware of this. Medicine is the business of TREATMENT, not curing. If an ailment is cured, there is no reason for further treatment. If there is no reason for treatment, there is no way for pharmaceutical companies to make huge profits.

            Most pH balancing supplements are close to worthless!    Why?   Because they don't begin to give you the full range of the 72 minerals your body needs to help neutralize acid or restore a healthy pH balance.   Your body is made up of approximately 75% water, so drinking water that will allow a pH balance is essential.  Drinking a water that will penetrate and repair the oxidized cell walls and allow penetration, therefore utilization, of natural minerals as well as your supplements is vitally important.

Please visit the following links to learn how you can optimize your health and give your body the WATER IT NEEDS!   DO IT NATURALLY!   Sound too easy?


Be sure and order your free E-Book from the site. . . . you'll want to read it over & over again.  Order your free DVD as well and watch it over & over.   You'll be amazed!

After reading these pages of information, and clicking on to every detail on the above web sites, if you are skeptical as I was at first too, please take the challenge to drink the water (free) 21 day Challenge . . . . and then you decide!

If you have any questions or concerns, please call me rather than wonder.
Wishing you health, wellness & happiness,    Laurel & Johnny "Chase&Hays" ent.

Ps   "Over acidity interferes with life itself.   It is at the root of all sickness & disease. . . ."     Dr. Robert Young, PhD

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