Kangen Water

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Message from Dr. Dave Carpenter

This piece just came to me today and I felt it was a good piece to share with the world.  There always have been and always will be skeptic on any subject of life.  I even know a lot of people that still refuse to have a computer/e-mail etc. and even a few that refuse to have or use a cell phone!  To each there own.  Those of us that actually "Drink, cook, clean, disinfect etc." with Kangen know the truth.  We live it daily.  And now Dr. Dave ...
Recently an Enagic distributor sent me an article titled, "Debunking the Benefits of Alkaline Water" in which the author, a clinical nutritionist stated that "the marketing of alkaline water as a panacea for a range of health conditions is pervasive.  Based, however, on flawed science, it may actually lead to deterioration in your health."  The author goes on to quote from Dr. Andrew Weil, MD, founder of the Integrative Medicine Program at the University of Arizona.  Dr. Weil said, "Home water ionizers, which I've seen offered for sale on the internet, are just the latest twist in the ongoing effort to promote the notion that alkaline water is somehow protective of your health.  The underlying idea is that you can prevent disease by balancing your body's pH...none of these claims are true." 
The authors of the article then go on to quote a study showing hyperkalemia in rats done by Watanabe in J. Toxicology in 1997 and concludes that drinking the water will cause your heart to fail you and goes on to say that it will also have a very negative impact on your digestive system.  I find it interesting that out of the thousands of research articles published on ionized water they quote the only one I've seen that can be taken to be "negative" regarding ionized water.  (all of the others are clearly positive)
On the other side of the equation we have Ray Kurzweil, Ph.D.  (considered by many to be Americas TOP scientist), Hiromi Shinya, MD (world famous gastroenterologist and published author), Gabriel Cousins, MD, and scores of other experts who believe that drinking ionized water is a huge benefit to your health and wellness program.  Then there is Mu Shik Jhon, Ph.D. who has received the Grand Science Award and the Presidential Science Award and authored several books and over 400 published, peer reviewd scientific papers on water and water structure.  Dr. Jhon says, "In the Orient the use of Hexagonal Water is well accepted and there is a great desire to consume it on a regular basis.  Many have attempted to bring it down from snowy mountains for consumption.  Some have used expensive ionization generators or sought other methods to create Hexagonal Water for regular drinking.  In the Orient, more than in the Western World, the theory that Hexagonal Water is important for our health has firmly established itself.  We have found that Hexagonal Water is beneficial for the body, and that drinking pentagonal water can actually be harmful.  If we are to live a long life, free of disease, we need to drink a sufficient amount of Hexagonal Water on a daily basis."  [The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, pg. 109]
It's always been interesting to me to observe how some people see the glass half full and some see the glass half empty and they all think that they are right.  That's human nature.  In my opinion the topic is very similar to the topic of religion.  Almost every religion can make a case as to why they are "right" and everyone else is "wrong" and yet as you look across the world you find yourself realizing that there are numerous religions and everyone doesn't belong to any single one of them because it's right and the others are wrong.  So we humans find what "fits us best" so to speak for the time and space we are in and we participate with it.  It's not different with Kangen Water.
We share Kangen Water with others because we're passionate about what it is doing for us.  That's a good thing.  But expecting everyone to agree with us is an exercise in futility, just as attempting to convince everyone that your religion is the only "truth" will prove to be the same.  Everyone simply will not agree, no matter how good your facts or how convinced that you are.
I know Dr. Andrew Weil personally and have attended classes that he's taught yet I do not believe that he'd listen to my thoughts on Kangen Water because he has to protect his "statements of truth" as he's put them out there in books and publications.  In other words, he's already made up his mind about the topic.  I have no more chance of convincing him that Kangen Water works than he does of convincing me (or most of you who have experience the benefits of it) that it doesn't work.  But that's OK!
I don't believe that it's our job to convince either.  I'm not in the convincing business.  I'm in the sharing business.  If someone resonates with my heart and my beliefs about Kangen Water (or any other subject for that matter) that's great and if they don't that is just as great.  There is plenty of room for all of us with differing opinions on this wonderful planet Earth.  The way I approach it is that I believe that there are literally thousands of people on their knees (symbolically anyway) praying for help with a problem that they may be having with their health and some of them may be helped by drinking Kangen Water.  If they are led to me I'm going to share with them what I think about Kangen Water and at that moment it's up to them to choose whether they want to participate in that possible solution or not.  But my job is ended.  It is not my job to convince them to drink Kangen Water...my responsibility is to share it!
Dr. Dave

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