Kangen Water

Friday, May 1, 2009

MUST watch, Root of all Disease and Money Problems

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

YOU MUST watch this! The sound was removed, but you can read the text and I promise this is the root of all disease and money problems...

Within 24 hours of attending a Kangen Water Wellness Awareness Presentation back 12 months ago April 2008, I somehow got the bigger picture about how the cycle of the American diet and disease all seem to revolve together. Imagine our society without the major Medical company's! Yikes when was the last time you turned on the T.V. and DID NOT see an advertisement for a stupid pill! 90% of them can be eliminated just by drinking and using Enagic Kangen Water! Sound far fecthed? GOOD then I have your attention, keep reading.

Do you people NOT understand that drugs do NOT CURE!!! they only mask your problem?
Do you NOT realize that all your friends/you that are on major drugs wish they weren't?
Do you NOT understand that your HEALTH is in YOUR hands? NOT the Federal/State Governments!
Do you NOT get it that the chemical laced foods you buy and eat are eventually killing you?
Do you NOT get it that 50 years ago all produce and livestock eaten was NOT induced with chemicals, drugs or steroids ???

Seriously it's a matter of choice people.. 2 Weeks ago I had a gentlemen come to my home and he has MAJOR health issues is 48 and the Dr. want to put him on a $1,500 a month medication that will certainly enhance the toxins of his body and make him more sick in other area. He came to me for water. We shot a video that I'll be posting to www.YouTube.com/KangenWaterMagic soon. Maybe right now cause I'm so fired UP!

So lets consider the "Facts"...

1.> Whether or not you eat Mc Donald's, Burger King, Taco Bell or your favorite drive through, the same apply s for the major chain restaurants too! Chilly, Apple Bees, and the like, if they are NOT serving foods that are prepared "FRESH" daily in the kitchen then they are serving "Pre-Made" frozen foods that are no better than the drive through... You have NO idea how huge this business is.
All these foods are laced with preservates, and chemicals that eatten along with the soda's and fructos Juices are the major scource of illness and disease over time...!

2.> Now what year where you born in? I was born in 1956, and back then most people just died in their sleep or from old age, maybe a heart attach from eating too much meat and potates diet. Of course Milk is a also a direct glue for illness as well, video on that is here on the blog and I will post again as well.

3.> Today the average life expentise is NOT 78 or 84 like it used to be but it has gone DOWN. Wonder why. Lets explore.

4.> We live in a society that is too busy for one. Computers where supposed to simplifiy our lives, yet more household have both mom and dad working full time, ( is that a life?) Any women from my generation would tell you that we all where taught that we'd be homemakers and take care of the kids and the family, (It's a BIG job and we women know it) today the family is a by product of what you may or may not be able to fit into your drill to produce income to pay for the mortgage that is over the value of the real property, and the stress levels are unbelievable. So on your way home at 5;30 or 6-7 depending, your kids are calling, you want to be there and have meal prepared, (MOM what's for dinner! Kids shouldn't have to wonder or worry about a meal it should be expected to be healthy and wholesome) but you're exhusted and your getting older daily. Driving, deadlines, stress, attitudes, BILL's piling up! What are you supposed to do! Well, you'll swing into a pick-up or drive through and head home, right? YOU even go to a pick up curb at a fancy restaurant thinking this is better, Maybe... but maybe not. Everyones happy, right? Sure, I mean it's better than nothing...

But then the effects of it all "Eventually" start to show somewhere along the line... The kids become un-managable, attitudes from HELL! and the doctors put them on Drugs and label it ADHD, ADD or whatever the heck they mask it as...(Who labled it anyway?)

When I was a kid it was called a bad attitude and the BELT came out. But how can you blame the kids??? YOU CAN'T! They are starving for attention from you and their bodies are starving for some serious nutiriton as well. But you just don't have the time. You do your best and assume it's A.O.K. next thing you know the kids are 13-14 or younger and doing drugs! HOW the HELL did this happen!? OH YAH, I forgot mom's not home and we assumed they would do what we told them... hummmmm Pressure from school is intense, my son is 15 and we battle almost daily, someday he will thank me or I will be dead from trying. But I'm here and I make a difference no matter what he thinks. The kitchen is always full of fresh fruits and veggies, and I try and cook nightly... YES, I do use drive through, but limited at best.

Well, eventually the diet, lifestyle, drugs, lack of remembering the important stuff shifts, because NOW, the family watchs the main stream media, NBC, CBS, CNN and the like, and all they report is doom and gloom. Your eatting all the wrong foods ALL the TIME... Watching all the absolutly crap T.V. and wondering why the kids are getting disease of STD's and pregnant as well. What a mess. Now some choices have to be made and I wonder if you will choose them like you choose your drive through easy, get it done meal?

People, it's time to pay attention, watch this Video, Go through this blog, piece by piece. I'm NOT a computer internet geneis as you can tell, hope to turn it all into a word press eventually (in my spare time LOL)

Meanwhile, please do watch this video, and pay attention to the fact that swine/Mexican flu can be fought with Kangen 2.5 and I promise with all my heart and soul that this SD501 will and can make a huge difference is your life, BUT.... "Only if you will allow for the Possiblilities" and Change your Water as it is GUARANTEED to change your life!

Have a Blessed and Water Full weekend...

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