Kangen Water

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Attestation and Authorization

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

For all those seriously interested in the credentials of Enagic, I hope the following will be of comfort.

The factory acquires ISO authorization.
A Enagic Osaka factory is an ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001:2004 attestation acquisition factory.
ISO 9001 is a global standard standard about the quality of the goods and service enacted by ISO (International Standardization Organization) in 1987.
A company establishes various goods and the quality assurance system of service. The independent third party's examination registration agency examines whether it is the structure by which international standards were fulfilled.

The turmeric factory was registered into the food institution registration factory of U.S. FDA.
The production plant of the Kangen turmeric sigma (sigma) and Enagic foods became a food institution registration factory of U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration). (Registration number 18161996856)
FDA is a public institution which asks the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan in one section of the government engaged in enforcement of "the law about food, medicine, and cosmetics" of the United States.
The high safety of the turmeric factory was attested by having accepted registration.
It aims at mainly ensuring national safety through approval of a new product, and the surveillance before and behind circulation about food and medical supplies.

The IEEU environmental grand-prix was won.
Enagic, Inc. was awarded the environmental grand-prix of the medical environment section from IEEU (international earth environment university).
This environmental grand-prix is awarded to the company and organization which had service in natural environment or ecobusiness, and resulted in the award for the following reason.

1. Contribute to the pollution control of a river, such as enabling mitigation of detergent, through use of acid water with an electrolysis water generation machine etc.
2. Kangen-Water By drinking, it contributes to reducing use of the PET bottle indirectly connected with environmental pollution.
3. By installing an electrolysis water generation machine, Kangen-Water and acid water can always be used. "Disinfection washing in a health side" and living environments, such as "a lifestyle-related disease in a healthy side", are improved greatly.
4. It is automatically alike with drink of Kangen-Water, and becomes realization of preventive medicine. It is simultaneously useful also for the sizable cut of national medical expenditures.

The United States trademark is acquired.
The trademark (Trade Mark) of "KANGEN WATER" was acquired in Enagic.
August 30, 2005 registration No.2990706

Authorization goods of a Japanese geriatric-diseases prevention association
Main items of our company Leveluk series has received authorization at the medicine organization Japan geriatric-diseases prevention association.
(Approval number No. 1120 prevention association No. 2275)

As for the Japanese geriatric-diseases prevention association, the chairperson and officer doctor of the Tokyo doctor cooperative have taken the lead. A related scholar, private enterprises, etc. cooperate focusing on the doctor of each expert of a medical worker co-op. The purposes of this organization are the spread education activities of the knowledge of research and preventive medicine of a geriatric-diseases (lifestyle-related disease) development-of-symptoms mechanism.

The product which an association authorizes is restricted to "1 Industry 1 product." An expert has responsibility, what can be used in comfort for health maintenance and lifestyle-related disease prevention is examined, and our company Leveluk series was accepted.

Japanese geriatric-diseases prevention association Recommendation goods
"The Kangen turmeric sigma " which our company offers has received recommendation authorization at the medicine organization Japan geriatric-diseases prevention association.
(Approval number No. 1138 prevention association No. 2275)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

No Need for Allergys drinking Kangen Water

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

My son and I have suffered severe allergy for the longest time. Ever since we began to consume antioxidant water, (KangenWaterMagic) the allergy has lessened for him and completely disappeared altogether for me! I've not had a sniffle in over 13 months! He's a teenager and knows his Kangen works, but still wants to drink the acidic pops, and semi sports drinks like "Sobe" etc. Kids like sweet stuff. But when he drinks his Kangen it's amazing that his sinus are free and clear and he sleeps better as well. Believe me MOM knows when things effect their 15 year old teenager, and the difference is profound.

I am learning that it has been discovered most allergies are due to acidification of body condition and is also related to consuming too much meat and sugar. In every allergy case, the patient’s antioxidant minerals are excessively low which in turn lower the body resistance significantly. The body becomes overly sensitive and develops allergy easily. To stabilize the sensitivity, calcium solution in injected into the vein. Therefore, it is clear that the antioxidant water has ionic calcium, which can help alleviate allergy.

The ionic calcium not only enhances the heart, urination, and neutralization of toxins but controls acidity. It also enhances the digestive system and liver function. This will promote natural healing power and hence increase its resistance to allergy. In some special cases of illness, which do not respond to drugs, it is found to respond well to antioxidant water.”

A Prof. Kuninaka Hironaga, Head of Kuninaka Hospital reports that...

“Mr. Yamada, the head of Police Research Institute, suffered from severe allergy. He was treated repeatedly by skin specialist, but with no success. Then he started consuming antioxidant water. The allergy responded very well and was soon completely cured. No relapse had occurred, although he had taken all kinds of food. He was most grateful and excited about this treatment.

Drink More Kangen Water Magic!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

4 year old Mc Donalds Burger

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

Do you eat at McDonalds? I think we all do from time to time. I found this video and am going to go buy my own burger and test myself. But this is a terrific case for Kangen Water and "Change Your Water and Change Your Life!" WoW, enjoy... I think I'll go have a green salad filled with Alkaline green vegetables!

Monday, May 11, 2009

How is the Quality of your water?

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

Dave Hansen writes: How is the quality of your water? The water you drink? The water you cook with? The water you wash with? How does it affect your bipolar brain?

Natural Resource Defense Council statistics show that more than 2 million Americans per year get sick as a direct result of drinking contaminated water. 700,000 of those require hospitalization.

A Fox News report states that over the past 20 years, at least 271 million pounds of pharmaceuticals have been released into U.S. waterways. Because the EPA tracking system used is limited, the AP describes that number as “a massive undercount”. Fluoxetin, for instance, (the active ingredient in Prozac) was found in the tissue of fish near Dallas, Texas, and in community water supplies in the U.K. The suspected source in both cases was urine to the water treatment plant then to open waters and eventually returning to the drinking water supply.

This used Prozac was “most likely highly diluted”. Ain’t that a comfort!

Amazing what kind of residual after life some of those chemicals have! Got Prozac? Are you inadvertently drinking someone else’s used meds along with your herbacides and pesticides?

Municipal water supplies are required to maintain an alkaline pH balance. Cost effectively this can be accomplished by adding lye or ortho polyphosphate corrosion inhibitors (they paste a film on the city pipes to prevent corrosion by acidic waters).

Bacteria in your municipal water supply can be eliminated cost effectively by pouring in bleach. Isn’t chlorine a bleach?

After our long search for quality, natural, organic, healthy foods and drinks and supplements, and devices that can protect us from our harmful environment… we have shared our good findings with as many people as possible. It’s crucial for your bipolar health and for the daily relationships with family and friends that you manage the ill effects of your environment.

Recently someone presented us a very enlightening education on healthy and unhealthy water. You who drink water will never look at it the same way again if you’ll take the time to receive this education… Diseases and disorders thrive in acidic environments and most Americans are highly acidic. Most of us have diseases.

I are still learning about alkaline waters myself and the more I learn, the more I'm so grateful for Enagic and the SD501 Kangen water it produces. It is my pleasure to share with you. Kangen truly does change everything!





Monday, May 4, 2009

EXTRA EXTRA read all about Kangen KILLS Anthrex and MORE!

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
I just received this and felt it was a tremendous piece for everyone, so please do read and get your own Kangen SD501 NOW! Contact me directly below.

“I am the Chief Executive of the International Functional Water Association (www.ifwa.info) an organization in formation promoting and educating people on the benefits of ionized water in its many forms. If you have supportive documentation proving that Kangens Super Acidic Water kills anthrax, then I suggest you post it. If you don’t I would retract your statement otherwise you will run into serious legal problems. Not to mention give our industry a bad name. Thank you.”

Here is the supportive documentation: The University of Michigan food scientist Joellen Feirtag states “‘The results we’re seeing are phenomenal . It’s killing all bacteria and viruses. It even kills avian flu and anthrax spores.’

Feirtag sees great potential for the system and is working to get it into the food industry. The solution can be sprayed directly onto foods such as lettuce, destroying bacteria like the E. coli strain responsible for the spinach outbreak. ‘This system could be used from the farm to the retail market-for irrigation in fields, washing in processing plants and misting in grocery stores,’ Feirtag said.”

Our blog article Mr. Ogilvie took exception to was written May 2, 2009 and he questioned our claim about Kangen water as shown below. We wrote:

“You can take actions to keep your own immune system strong and healthy. Because of the approaching global pandemic (the World Health Organization raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 5 on April 29, 2009), we want to make sure you realize the flagship products we offer to rebuild and maintain your immune system will protect you from the Swine Flu virus. Namely:

  • Kangen Water (highly antioxidant and immune building alkaline waters; our super acidic water kills MRSA, anthrax, e coli, and will surely kill Swine Flu virus) Drink the alkaline water/spray the strong acidic water inside your mouth and on your hands and face for anti-viral protection.
  • Concentrated flax lignans are reported not only to boost immune systems, but to be anti-viral as well. Take 1 TBSP flax lignans per day in water, juice, soup, or cereal. This will stop viral cell replication.
  • Therapeutic grade essential oils are anti-viral (thyme, oregano, clove, geranium, eucalyptus radiata, ravensara, hyssop, marjoram). Diffuse the oils to breathe them, or apply topically to hands and face, or take internally under the tongue (or by capsule).”

We are in direct communication with Mr. Ogilvie and hopefully he will be greatly encouraged to know that anthrax has a killer…and it’s just water!

One of our corporate websites makes this broad claim: “Did You Know? Super Acid or Strong Acid water could be used as a hand disinfectant in hospitals where 80% of all people who are infected while in the hospital contract their disease by way of doctors and nurses not washing their hands between patient visits. At a pH of 2.5, it is antimicrobial, meaning that it kills all bacteria on contact.

February 23, 2009, the LA Times printed an article in which the Minnesota food scientist, Joellen Feirtag, was featured. Here is that article:

From the Los Angeles Times Simple elixir called a ‘miracle liquid’

Electrolyzed water cleans, degrease s — and treats athlete’s foot. The solution is replacing toxic chemicals. By Marla Dickerson February 23, 2009

“It’s a kitchen degrease r. It’s a window cleaner. It kills athlete’s foot. Oh, and you can drink it. Sounds like the old “Saturday Night Live” gag for Shimmer, the faux floor polish plugged by Gilda Radner. But the elixir is real. It has been approved by U.S. regulators. And it’s starting to replace the toxic chemicals Americans use at home and on the job.

The stuff is a simple mixture of table salt and tap water whose ions have been scrambled with an electric current.
Researchers have dubbed it electrolyzed water — hardly as catchy as Mr. Clean. But at the Sheraton Delfina in Santa Monica, some hotel workers are calling it el liquido milagroso — the miracle liquid.

That’s as good a name as any for a substance that scientists say is powerful enough to kill anthrax spores without
harming people or the environment. Used as a sanitizer for decades in Russia and Japan, it’s slowly winning acceptance in the United States. A New York poultry processor uses it to kill salmonella on chicken carcasses. Minnesota grocery clerks spray sticky conveyors in the checkout lanes. Michigan jailers mop with electrolyzed water to keep potentially lethal cleaners out of the hands of inmates.

In Santa Monica, the once-skeptical Sheraton housekeeping staff has ditched skin-chapping bleach and pungent ammonia for spray bottles filled with electrolyzed water to clean toilets and sinks. “I didn’t believe in it at first because it didn’t have foam or any scent,” said housekeeper Flor Corona. “But I can tell you it works. My rooms are clean.”
Management likes it too. The mixture costs less than a penny a gallon. It cuts down on employee injuries from chemicals. It reduces shipping costs and waste because hotel staffers prepare the elixir on site. And it’s helping the Sheraton Delfina tout its environmental credentials to guests.

The hotel’s kitchen staff recently began disinfecting produce with electrolyzed water. They say the lettuce lasts longer.

They’re hoping to replace detergent in the dishwasher. Management figures the payback time for the $10,000electrolysis machine will be less than a year. “It’s green. It saves money. And it’s the right thing to do,” said Glenn Epstein, executive assistant at the Sheraton Delfina. “It’s almost like fantasy.”

Actually, it’s chemistry. For more than two centuries, scientists have tinkered with electrolysis, the use of an electric current to bring about a chemical reaction (not the hair-removal technique of the same name that’s popular in Beverly Hills). That’s how we got metal electroplating and large-scale production of chlorine, used to bleach and sanitize.
It turns out that zapping salt water with low-voltage electricity creates a couple of powerful yet nontoxic cleaning agents.

Sodium ions are converted into sodium hydroxide, an alkaline liquid that cleans and degreases like detergent, but without the scrubbing bubbles. Chloride ions become hypochlorous acid, a potent disinfectant known as acid water.
“It’s 10 times more effective than bleach in killing bacteria,” said Yen-Con Hung, a professor of food science at the University of Georgia-Griffin, who has been researching electrolyzed water for more than a decade. “And it’s safe.”….

Most of the growth has happened outside the United States. Russians are putting electrolyzed water down oil wells to kill pesky microbes. Europeans use it to treat burn victims. Electrolyzing equipment is helping to sanitize drinking water in parts of Latin American and Africa. It’s big in Japan. People there spray it on sushi to kill bacteria and fill their swimming pools with it, eliminating the need for harsh chlorine. Doctors use it to sterilize equipment and treat foot fungus and bedsores. It’s the secret weapon in Sanyo Electric Corp.’s “soap-less” washing machine.

Now Sanyo is bent on cleaning up Japan’s taxis with a tiny air purifier that fits into a car’s cup holder. The device uses electrolyzed water to shield passengers from an unwelcome byproduct of Japan’s binge-drinking business culture: vomit. “There was some concern about the spreading of viruses and bacteria via the taxi, not to mention the . . . stinky smells,” Sanyo spokesman Aaron Fowles said. Sanyo’s taxi air washer isn’t yet available in the U.S.; commuters will have to hold their noses for now. But the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency have approved electrolyzed water for a variety of uses.

PuriCore of Malvern, Pa., and Oculus Innovative Sciences of Petaluma, Calif., have developed treatments for chronic wounds. Albuquerque, N.M.-based MIOX Corp. sells municipal water-purifying systems. EAU Technologies Inc. of Kennesaw, Ga., caters to both ends of a dairy cow, with alkaline water to aid the animal’s digestion and acid water to clean up its manure.

Integrated Environmental Technologies Inc. of Little River, S.C., is working with oil companies to keep wells free of bacteria and with high schools to sanitize sweaty wrestling mats and grungy football equipment that spread skin infections.

Electrolyzer Corp. of Woburn, Mass., is going after the hospitality market. The Sheraton Delfina purchased one of its machines. So has the Hyatt Regency Chicago and the Trump International Beach Resort near Miami.

Patrick Lucci, Electrolyzer’s vice president of marketing, likes to bombard prospects with scientific studies, then give ‘em the old razzle-dazzle. He’ll swig the processed salt water before he mops the floor with it. “Try that with bleach,” he said.
Rebecca Jimenez, director of housekeeping, heard grumbling from the cleaning staff when the hotel brought the machine in last fall. Housekeepers doubted that the flat, virtually odorless liquids were really doing the job. Some poured the guest shampoos into their bottles to work up a lather. “If it doesn’t suds up, it doesn’t work,” Jimenez said. “That’s the mentality.” Still, she said, most have come around and are enjoying working without fumes and peeling skin.

Minnesota food scientist Joellen Feirtag said she was similarly skeptical. So she installed an electrolysis unit in her laboratory and began researching the technology. She found that the acid water killed E. coli, salmonella, listeria and other nasty pathogens. Yet it was gentle enough to soothe her children’s sunburns and acne. She’s now encouraging food processors to take a look at electrolyzed water to help combat the disease outbreaks that have roiled the industry. Most are dubious. “This sounds too good to be true, which is really the biggest problem,” said Feirtag, an associate professor at the University of Minnesota. “But it’s only a matter of time before this becomes mainstream.”

Buy Your Own Kangen Water Machine



e-mail KangenArizona@gmail.com

480-559-8484 to get started NOW!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Kangen Myths and Facts, Comparrisons done

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

The following is a series of 4 video's that should now doubt answer your questions as to what makes Kangen Better! Enjoy, and please contact me if you'd like to move forward.

*Note: The Videos you will see Compare 2
of the more popular units out there.

Any of the supposed "New Kids" on the Block like Life Ionizer and Tyent could be interchanged here as well.( We will address in more detail in the future.)

Keep this in Mind: They are all from Korea, they use cheap mesh plating, their warranties are misleading and very limited, and they don't get the results we do. (Ask the many health clinics that have tried them all.)

Video 1 http://www.thewatertruth.com/cgi-bin/d.cgi/karl/comparison.html
Video 2 http://www.thewatertruth.com/cgi-bin/d.cgi/karl/comparison2.html
Video 3 http://www.thewatertruth.com/cgi-bin/d.cgi/karl/comparison3.html
Video 4 http://www.thewatertruth.com/cgi-bin/d.cgi/karl/comparison4.html

Read very Carefully all the way down to the bottom of the Page
And then get your Shocking Video Report!

If you do your research on Water Ionizers
you will find Enagic is not the only one out there.
There are other lesser known copycats from
countries such as Korea, Taiwan, and China as well.

Enagic does not compare itself to these competitors,
much like Lexus does not compare itself to Hyundai.

However Everyone is trying
to compare themselves to
Enagic's SD501.

One of their marketing methods is circulating an article entitled, "Kangen Water: Myths and Facts".

They use the Kangen (Trade Mark) to draw people to their sites, and then insinuate that their units match up the same as Enagic's dollar for dollar and feature for feature.

The article is a cleverly written piece of ad copy and unfortunately some have been convinced into buying inferior units without having all the facts.
Side Note: It is not the corporate head offices that are running these types of campaigns, but rather independent agents and small time dealers. Most Asian companies run their businesses very honorably and do not engage in these kind of tactics.
So..... Since Enagic, the company, will not engage in these frivolous debates,
we as Independent Dealers have decided to take up the cause. (Welcome to America.)

So Let's do some Analogies.....

Of the 2 cars below, which one would you pick?

Ok, How about the Boats below?

Which House? Be honest now!

Ok, I think you might see where we are going? Obviously the Pictures on the left are
what most people would pick. But believe it or not when it comes to our own bodies,
there are many people who will cheat themselves and go for the perceived bargin.

If you look at water ionizers one of the most important components is the water cell. This houses the Platinum Coated Titanium plates that the water flows through. This cell is also known as the "Engine" or "Heart" of the unit.

Look at the size of the units below, and keep in mind that Platinum is $1250 dollars an ounce. Does it seem reasonable that these units are exactly the same?
Enagic Unit is on the Left, Jupiter Unit is on the right.

Why would Enagic put so much more material and
cost into their units? Just for the Heck of It?

How about performance,
longevity, power, durability, and quality

Enagic's water cell is on the Left, the two cells on
the Right are from other competiters, and Jupiter
is smaller then both of these.

Enagic is the Number #1 Seller of Water Ionizers
In North America and Japan!
Why is That?
Do you think they might know a thing or two about Water Ionizers in Japan?
(Award from the Geriatric Disease Prevention Assocition)
Only ONE is handed out in any given category, and Enagic's Machine was the one chosen.

I could go on and on, but here is the point.....

Enagic is a medical device that no other machine even comes close to. And we can prove it.
If you are surfing the net looking for information and you come across an article titled "Kangen Myths and Facts".

Be very careful. It is cleverly written ad copy full of misinformation and half truths. Find out the real story!
Click Below to get the special "Shock your Socks Video" that blows the Lid off Water Myths and Facts.

There are 9 shocking facts you need to know, before you make a buying decision.

Friday, May 1, 2009

MUST watch, Root of all Disease and Money Problems

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

YOU MUST watch this! The sound was removed, but you can read the text and I promise this is the root of all disease and money problems...

Within 24 hours of attending a Kangen Water Wellness Awareness Presentation back 12 months ago April 2008, I somehow got the bigger picture about how the cycle of the American diet and disease all seem to revolve together. Imagine our society without the major Medical company's! Yikes when was the last time you turned on the T.V. and DID NOT see an advertisement for a stupid pill! 90% of them can be eliminated just by drinking and using Enagic Kangen Water! Sound far fecthed? GOOD then I have your attention, keep reading.

Do you people NOT understand that drugs do NOT CURE!!! they only mask your problem?
Do you NOT realize that all your friends/you that are on major drugs wish they weren't?
Do you NOT understand that your HEALTH is in YOUR hands? NOT the Federal/State Governments!
Do you NOT get it that the chemical laced foods you buy and eat are eventually killing you?
Do you NOT get it that 50 years ago all produce and livestock eaten was NOT induced with chemicals, drugs or steroids ???

Seriously it's a matter of choice people.. 2 Weeks ago I had a gentlemen come to my home and he has MAJOR health issues is 48 and the Dr. want to put him on a $1,500 a month medication that will certainly enhance the toxins of his body and make him more sick in other area. He came to me for water. We shot a video that I'll be posting to www.YouTube.com/KangenWaterMagic soon. Maybe right now cause I'm so fired UP!

So lets consider the "Facts"...

1.> Whether or not you eat Mc Donald's, Burger King, Taco Bell or your favorite drive through, the same apply s for the major chain restaurants too! Chilly, Apple Bees, and the like, if they are NOT serving foods that are prepared "FRESH" daily in the kitchen then they are serving "Pre-Made" frozen foods that are no better than the drive through... You have NO idea how huge this business is.
All these foods are laced with preservates, and chemicals that eatten along with the soda's and fructos Juices are the major scource of illness and disease over time...!

2.> Now what year where you born in? I was born in 1956, and back then most people just died in their sleep or from old age, maybe a heart attach from eating too much meat and potates diet. Of course Milk is a also a direct glue for illness as well, video on that is here on the blog and I will post again as well.

3.> Today the average life expentise is NOT 78 or 84 like it used to be but it has gone DOWN. Wonder why. Lets explore.

4.> We live in a society that is too busy for one. Computers where supposed to simplifiy our lives, yet more household have both mom and dad working full time, ( is that a life?) Any women from my generation would tell you that we all where taught that we'd be homemakers and take care of the kids and the family, (It's a BIG job and we women know it) today the family is a by product of what you may or may not be able to fit into your drill to produce income to pay for the mortgage that is over the value of the real property, and the stress levels are unbelievable. So on your way home at 5;30 or 6-7 depending, your kids are calling, you want to be there and have meal prepared, (MOM what's for dinner! Kids shouldn't have to wonder or worry about a meal it should be expected to be healthy and wholesome) but you're exhusted and your getting older daily. Driving, deadlines, stress, attitudes, BILL's piling up! What are you supposed to do! Well, you'll swing into a pick-up or drive through and head home, right? YOU even go to a pick up curb at a fancy restaurant thinking this is better, Maybe... but maybe not. Everyones happy, right? Sure, I mean it's better than nothing...

But then the effects of it all "Eventually" start to show somewhere along the line... The kids become un-managable, attitudes from HELL! and the doctors put them on Drugs and label it ADHD, ADD or whatever the heck they mask it as...(Who labled it anyway?)

When I was a kid it was called a bad attitude and the BELT came out. But how can you blame the kids??? YOU CAN'T! They are starving for attention from you and their bodies are starving for some serious nutiriton as well. But you just don't have the time. You do your best and assume it's A.O.K. next thing you know the kids are 13-14 or younger and doing drugs! HOW the HELL did this happen!? OH YAH, I forgot mom's not home and we assumed they would do what we told them... hummmmm Pressure from school is intense, my son is 15 and we battle almost daily, someday he will thank me or I will be dead from trying. But I'm here and I make a difference no matter what he thinks. The kitchen is always full of fresh fruits and veggies, and I try and cook nightly... YES, I do use drive through, but limited at best.

Well, eventually the diet, lifestyle, drugs, lack of remembering the important stuff shifts, because NOW, the family watchs the main stream media, NBC, CBS, CNN and the like, and all they report is doom and gloom. Your eatting all the wrong foods ALL the TIME... Watching all the absolutly crap T.V. and wondering why the kids are getting disease of STD's and pregnant as well. What a mess. Now some choices have to be made and I wonder if you will choose them like you choose your drive through easy, get it done meal?

People, it's time to pay attention, watch this Video, Go through this blog, piece by piece. I'm NOT a computer internet geneis as you can tell, hope to turn it all into a word press eventually (in my spare time LOL)

Meanwhile, please do watch this video, and pay attention to the fact that swine/Mexican flu can be fought with Kangen 2.5 and I promise with all my heart and soul that this SD501 will and can make a huge difference is your life, BUT.... "Only if you will allow for the Possiblilities" and Change your Water as it is GUARANTEED to change your life!

Have a Blessed and Water Full weekend...

Swine Flu Prevention and Kangen Water

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!

Hi Folks,

Again, I would be remiss if I did not pass on this information that was addressed by both Dr. Peggy Parker on Monday and by Dr. Dave Carpenter last night, Thursday. At the time of their recommendations, they, as many others, were considering this "just another flu scare." The reason I am updating you today, is that I just received an update from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) that the World Health Organization has just changed not only the name of the flu, but the status. Instead of Swine Flu, it is now referred to as H1N1 influenza. And the World Health Organization has raised the alert level to Phase 5 ... with a possible high of Phase 6.

Personally I've heard others calling it the "Mexican" flu as it originated there and that seems much easier to remember. Amazing how the government wants to gloss over the root cause and not offend or close our boarders with Mexico. That's another subject.

Now, what our two consulting doctors have recommended:

1. Carry fresh 2.5 personal size with you. Spray your hands often. Do not touch your hands to your face or mouth. This is the way it can enter your body. Remember, 2.5 kills bacteria, including staph, MRSA, e-coli, salmonella in 30 seconds! That is why it is being used in over 250 hospitals/clinics in Japan.

2. Gargle with 2.5, spray your mouth with 2.5. And spray the inside of your nose with 11.5. Avoid crowds.

3. When eating out, it wouldn't hurt to lightly mist the table ... the silverware, etc.

4. Wash your hands often. And, I might add ... when using public restrooms, spray your hands with 2.5!

5. And of course, keep the 9.5 level at optimum in your body. We want to keep our immune system in good shape. Remember, sugar lowers the immune system. We have all heard of those, in times past, that worked with patients of other diseases and did not contract the disease. Why? Healthy and working immune system!

Keep the 9.5 flowing, and rinsing out any toxic burden within the body! Make it easy on your immune system! Let's not forget that our bodies are supposed to be 70% or more ... WATER! Aren't we the lucky ones to have this?? Let's stop and be thankful!

Now! If you don't yet have a SD501 to produce the 7 different grades of Kangen Water yet, then I highly suggest you contact me and order your's today! $3,980 and that includes shipping and the necessary bottles to store the 2.5 and 11.5. you may reach me at kangenarizona@gmail.com or just go to the web site and request the DVD with your phone number and I will contact you www.KangenWaterMagic.com

Now here is the update just issued by CDC:

You are subscribed to updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Swine Flu Now Referred to as H1N1 Flu

The virus previously referred to as swine influenza is now referred to as H1N1 influenza. Please note that this is a rapidly evolving situation and current guidance and other website content may contain variations in how this new H1N1 virus of swine origin is referred to. Over the coming days and weeks, these inconsistencies will be addressed, but in the interests of meeting the agency's response goals, all guidance will remain posted and new guidance will continue to be issued.

Update on Situation

In response to an intensifying outbreak in the United States and internationally caused by a new influenza virus of swine origin, the World Health Organization raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 5 on April 29, 2009. A Phase 5 alert is a “strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to finalize the organization, communication, and implementation of the planned mitigation measures is short.”

The United States Government has declared a public health emergency in the United States. CDC’s response goals are to reduce transmission and illness severity, and provide information to help health care providers, public health officials and the public address the challenges posed by this emergency. CDC is issuing and updating interim guidance daily in response to the rapidly evolving situation. CDC’s Division of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) continues to send antiviral drugs, personal protective equipment, and respiratory protection devices to all 50 states and U.S. territories to help them respond to the outbreak. The swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is susceptible to the prescription antiviral drugs oseltamivir and zanamivir. In addition, the Federal Government and manufacturers have begun the process of developing a vaccine against this new virus.

U.S. Human Cases of H1N1 Flu Infection

As of 10:30 AM ET on April 30, 2009, CDC has confirmed 109 cases in 11 states:

  • Arizona: 1
  • California: 14
  • Indiana: 1
  • Kansas: 2
  • Massachusetts: 2
  • Michigan: 1
  • Nevada: 1
  • New York: 50
  • Ohio: 1
  • South Carolina: 10
  • Texas: 26 (and 1 death)

For more information, see the CDC H1N1 Flu website.

International Human Cases of H1N1 Flu Infection

For information about investigation into cases outside the United States, see the World Health Organization website.

Sebelius, Napolitano Hosted Webcast on H1N1 Flu, Answers Questions from the American People

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano hosted a Webcast on Thursday to answer questions from the American people regarding the H1N1 flu. View the archived webcast.

What You Can Do to Stay Healthy

  • Stay informed. This website will be updated regularly as information becomes available.
  • Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people.
  • Take everyday actions to stay healthy.
    • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
    • Stay home if you get sick. CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
  • Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
  • Develop a family emergency plan as a precaution. This should include storing a supply of food, medicines, facemasks, alcohol-based hand rubs and other essential supplies.
  • Call 1-800-CDC-INFO for more information.

For more information on what you can to stay safe and healthy, check the CDC H1N1 Flu website.

Additional Updates on the CDC H1N1 Flu Website

To learn about other updates made to the CDC H1N1 Flu Website in the past 24 hours, please check the "What's New" page on the CDC H1N1 Flu website.

To change your subscriptions or preferences or stop subscriptions anytime, log in to your User Profile with your e-mail address. Please update your user information now so CDC can send you the latest news for your area. For questions or problems with the service, contact support@govdelivery.com.

This service is provided by CDC. Visit us on the web at www.cdc.gov.

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