"They" will have their opinions and "we" will have ours. In the end, the opinions outweigh the facts when people make a choice. I will tell you this. The paragraph below where Michelle states the SD501 has so few features while the other machine has many, is a non-essential argument.
Anyone who buys a KYK because you can get 64 different ph levels is buying glitz over substance. What difference does it make to your body whether you drink 9.0 ph or 9.3ph? Or 9.0 or 10.0? What does research say? 64 ph levels is a gimmicky feature that does not add value or substance.
Enagic uses 7 settings, 2.5, 5.5, 7.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9,5 and 11.5 as these are defined ph's that are important to your body, inside and out. Research shows that alkaline water between 8.0 and 9.0 are best for drinking and higher ph's show no added benefits. Read Dr. Shinya's book (everyone should who is interested in good health) The Enzyme Factor.
You will note that all competitors downplay Enagic's ability to make 2.5 acid water and 11.5 strong Kangen water. This is an example of ignoring facts when they don't fit a needed scenario. Germs, mold, fungus, mildew, athletes foot fungus, salmonella are not affected adversely by 3 - 4 ph water, as made by other machines. In fact, they flourish in 3 - 4 ph. That is science and fact.
2.6 ph or lower water is used in hospitals and clinics in Japan to treat many infections that are impervious to antibiotics or other treatment. Acute athletes foot, Mersa, gangrene are a few that are treated successfully. It is this difference that makes Enagics SD501 a "Medical Grade" device while the others are not. They are alkaline drinking water machines.
The 11.5 ph water is very useful in ridding the household of chemical cleaners and cleaning fruit and veggies, etc. Clean your floors, kitchen and bath with "water"? Absolutely marvelous. I have heard an Ionways rep state that you can soak your veggies in 9.5 or 10.0 ph water for hours and get the same cleaning results. Well, I don't think that is scientific fact and I don't think soaking veggies for hours helps the veggie! Once again, devising alternatives to the real thing.
Remember, 11.5 ph is 50 times more alkaline than 10 ph. Significant.
The technology and manufacturing differences that Enagic claims, lead to a 15 year life span and it is rebuildable so you never have to buy another machine. It is usable in the hardest waters. Hard water calcium build up is a BIG deal and it is not dealt with by the other manufacturers. What happens when the machine is completely clogged with calcium? This happens more than anyone is willing to talk about. It shuts down the ability of the machine to produce healthy alkaline water. You explained what we can do to solve the problem. What do the other manufacturers say? In some areas of the country their machines are not recommended.
The argument about our pay plan is irrelevant and uninformed. The markup on their machine or our machine is probably the same, respective of costs. How the manufacturer decides to pay or distribute simply distributes the money differently. Enagic's pay plan is brilliant. The best in the industry.
Enagic is recommended by a non-profit organization of 6,500 practicing doctors and surgeons. These are medical professionals that are currently treating patients and use Kangen water in many of those treatments. We are the only company they recommend. Period.
If your customer wants to discount their health purchase, sell them a Jr ll model for $2380. Or if they just want drinking water, sell them a SunUs for $1280. It creates awesome 9.5 alkaline water. It also creates 5.5, 7.0, 8.0, 8.5, and 9.0. 3 year warranty. So you see we have a product for every budget.
Get the book, Hexagonal Water by MJ Pangman. You will understand more about Kangen water and why it is superior. There's Coke and then there is cola. There is Kleenex and then there is tissue paper, I am proud to sell the very best.
In the long run, you will find that Enagic costs no more to own. $3980 over 15 years is $400 per year including 2 filters per year. Bottled water is about $1000 per year and you get acidic, chemically water.
You see, customers can have the best machine and water (Kangen) on the market for less than they are currently paying for bottles of unhealthy water. Isn't that what we are offering.
There is always more to say. I have said too much. I believe in Enagic as a company. We set the standard that everyone else tries to live up to. The company's mission is and has been for 35 years to bring health and prosperity to each individual who desires it. At the same time the company has used the highest standards of management and manufacturing practices that have won awards for environmental achievement and practices. We are hard to beat.
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