Alkalize or DIE ...Just Change your Water to Change your LIFE! Consider the money spent with nutritional supplements that could be eliminated or better yet enhanced 2-4x more potent! Please visit and ask for the FREE DVD on the World Wide KangenWaterMagic experience that 1000's enjoy daily! Have a Waterful day :~)
Alkalize or DIE ...Just Change your Water to Change your LIFE!
Chlorine Video just uploaded to please subscribe and follow this blog! Why would "AnyOne" knowing the unhealthy results and potential hazards of Chlorine not want to change it! This is JUST one factor that I found compelling enough to move me forward to purchase the SD501. Enjoy
Who do you know in Oregon? Want to find out about this "Kangen Water Magic" stuff? Feel like getting Healthy? Feel like getting Wealthy? Feel like changing your life for once and for all? Got a feeling of 'I just wonder!'... Well then listen to that small voice, that prompting and get to this Super Saturday presented by my pal and world famous business man Karl Roller! You MUST tell him that Kangen Arizona's KangenWaterMagic sent you for NO fee! Don't miss a once in a life time opportunity to Change your water and Change your Life. We all know that "YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH" and we have it.
Alkalize or DIE ...Just Change your Water to Change your LIFE!Here is the Video to go with the LA times article about Sheraton LA hotel using Kangen Water for Cleaning and Sanitizing! This is real Creditability. It's a kitchen degreaser. It's a window cleaner. It kills athlete's foot. Oh, and you can drink it. And a company named "Enagic" out of Japen makes a medical grade in home kitchen counter appliance that will give you this exact same quality water to Drink, Cook, Clean, Wash, Sanitize, Heal skin problems, Oral Hygiene, Water Plants with and it's WATER! Look for exciting new videos being produce TODAY at and GET THE FREE DVD at! This Ionized electrolyzed Kangen Water Magic changes everything! Read on and get excited...
It's a kitchen degreaser. It's a window cleaner. It kills athlete's foot. Oh, and you can drink it. And a company named "Enagic" out of Japen makes a medical grade in home kitchen counter appliance that will give you this exact same quality water to Drink, Cook, Clean, Wash, Sanitize, Heal skin problems, Oral Hygiene, Water Plants with and it's WATER! Look for exciting new videos being produce TODAY at and GET THE FREE DVD at! This Ionized electrolyed Kangen Water Magic changes everything! Read on and get excited...
Sounds like the old "Saturday Night Live" gag for Shimmer, the faux floor polish plugged by Gilda Radner. But the elixir is real. It has been approved by U.S. regulators. And it's starting to replace the toxic chemicals Americans use at home and on the job.
The stuff is a simple mixture of table salt and tap water whose ions have been scrambled with an electric current. Researchers have dubbed it electrolyzed water -- hardly as catchy as Mr. Clean. But at the Sheraton Delfina in Santa Monica, some hotel workers are calling it el liquido milagroso -- the miracle liquid.
That's as good a name as any for a substance that scientists say is powerful enough to kill anthrax spores without harming people or the environment.
Used as a sanitizer for decades in Russia and Japan, it's slowly winning acceptance in the United States. A New York poultry processor uses it to kill salmonella on chicken carcasses. Minnesota grocery clerks spray sticky conveyors in the checkout lanes. Michigan jailers mop with electrolyzed water to keep potentially lethal cleaners out of the hands of inmates.
In Santa Monica, the once-skeptical Sheraton housekeeping staff has ditched skin-chapping bleach and pungent ammonia for spray bottles filled with electrolyzed water to clean toilets and sinks.
"I didn't believe in it at first because it didn't have foam or any scent," said housekeeper Flor Corona. "But I can tell you it works. My rooms are clean."
Management likes it too. The mixture costs less than a penny a gallon. It cuts down on employee injuries from chemicals. It reduces shipping costs and waste because hotel staffers prepare the elixir on site. And it's helping the Sheraton Delfina tout its environmental credentials to guests.
The hotel's kitchen staff recently began disinfecting produce with electrolyzed water. They say the lettuce lasts longer. They're hoping to replace detergent in the dishwasher. Management figures the payback time for the $10,000 electrolysis machine will be less than a year.
"It's green. It saves money. And it's the right thing to do," said Glenn Epstein, executive assistant at the Sheraton Delfina. "It's almost like fantasy."
Actually, it's chemistry. For more than two centuries, scientists have tinkered with electrolysis, the use of an electric current to bring about a chemical reaction (not the hair-removal technique of the same name that's popular in Beverly Hills). That's how we got metal electroplating and large-scale production of chlorine, used to bleach and sanitize.
It turns out that zapping salt water with low-voltage electricity creates a couple of powerful yet nontoxic cleaning agents. Sodium ions are converted into sodium hydroxide, an alkaline liquid that cleans and degreases like detergent, but without the scrubbing bubbles. Chloride ions become hypochlorous acid, a potent disinfectant known as acid water.
"It's 10 times more effective than bleach in killing bacteria," said Yen-Con Hung, a professor of food science at the University of Georgia-Griffin, who has been researching electrolyzed water for more than a decade. "And it's safe."
There are drawbacks.
Electrolyzed water loses its potency fairly quickly, so it can't be stored long. Machines are pricey and geared mainly for industrial use. The process also needs to be monitored frequently for the right strength.
Then there's the "magic water" hype that has accompanied electrolyzed drinking water. A number of companies sell so-called ionizers for home use that can range from about $600 to more than $3,000. The alkaline water, proponents say, provides health benefits.
But Richard Wullaert, a Santa Barbara consultant, said consumers should be careful.
"Some of these people are making claims that will get everybody in trouble," said Wullaert, whose nonprofit Functional Water Society is spreading the word about electrolyzed water. "It's time for some serious conferences with serious scientists to give this credibility."
Most of the growth has happened outside the United States.
Russians are putting electrolyzed water down oil wells to kill pesky microbes. Europeans use it to treat burn victims. Electrolyzing equipment is helping to sanitize drinking water in parts of Latin American and Africa.
Almost every week I try and head over to our local produce market called "Superstition Ranch Market" in Mesa AZ on Main St. just east of Greenfield. Now if you've never bought Number 2 produce well you're missing out on a great opportunity to get more bang for the buck, and I mean MAJOR discounts! Such as... Large Hot House tomatoes 3lbs for a $1.00! (Usually up to $2.99 a lb.) Green Onions 4 for a $1.00 Red Bell Peppers 4 for a $1.00 Cucumbers LARGE 4 for $1.00 Fresh Pineapple 2 for $3.00 Fresh Black Berry's 2 for $1.00 and the list is endless, but that is just a partial list from memorie of what I bought yesterday morning.
Now the trick is to either eat it all in a very short time as it is number 2's or the seconds and the shelf life is just about gone. BUT I have a terrific solutions to that problem as I did it yesterday, I'm only sorry I didn't photograph the before and after, but will on my next trip.
SOAK and clean all your veggies in Kangen 11.5 Water! It's absolutely unbelievable the way every thing will perk up, open up and be given a newness just like the day it was picked! AND, by washing/soaking all your fruits and vegetables in the KangenWaterMagic of 11.5 you're also eliminating all the oil based pesticides, and such, hence creating almost an organic piece of produce.
Years back when I was growing up in the 1960's we brought home produce and washed everything because of those chemicals that where just starting to be used, and our water then was completely different then for sure, but today the ground water is so polluted by all the fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides etc. etc. that to take it home and run our polluted water over the oil based chemicals sprayed on the produce is a total waste of time and water too for that matter. Hope this helps and if you don't yet have your SD501 KangenWater Ionized water generator, "What are you Waiting For"? Visit for more info and ask for the FREE DVD too.
Please make sure to tell Karl Roller that you are a guest of KangenArizona Laurel Chase-Dunn
Change your Water…….. ……Change your Life!!! Kangen Water Demonstration & Business Training
Texas Land & Cattle Restaurant 8015 W. FM #1960 Houston, TX 77070 (281) 469-3838
Special Guest Speaker: Karl Roller - 6A3-3 Friday February 20, 2009 TODAY 11:30am - 2:30pm
Luncheon, demo/presentation : $ 7.00 and up + 20% tip / person Paid to Texas Land & Cattle Restaurant Business Builders Training: $25.00/ person Paid to Karl Roller
Schedule: 11:30 am to 12:15 pm - Lunch 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm - Business Builders Training
For Information Contact: Diane Hadley (832)282-9970
Texas Meeting Schedule for 6A3-3 Karl Roller's tour. This is a fantastic business builder so plan to come and bring guests *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
San Antonio~ Saturday, February 21st Luncheon 11am-11:45am Presentation/Demo Noon-1:45pm
Pompeii Italian Grill 16109 Nacogdoches San Antonio 78247
Cost $12/person Three Luncheon Menu Choices: Grilled Chicken, Chicken Parmesan with Spaghetti, or Beef Lasagna--all include Entree, Salad, Italian Bread, Beverage includes tax and tip Business Builders Training 2pm-4pm $25/person also at Pompeii Italian Grill
RSVP to me by February 9th with checks made out to Karl Roller. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dallas~Sunday, February 22nd Presentation/Demo~ 1pm-2:45pm ~ No Charge Business Training ~ 3pm-5pm ~ $25/person
La Quinta Hotel 825 Watson Rd. Arlington 76011 (Arlington North and Six Flags Drive-Off of Hwy 360, next to Six Flags)
817-640-4142 *special Enagic room rate: $70 Reservations must be made by Feb 12th
While most of the sites you may be or have visited in your quest to understand the "Kangen" water will all talk about pretty much the same thing, I do hope that my personal blog will give a more personal insight to just how amazing these different types of "WATER" being produced by one single machine SD501 can be of enormous benefit to you as they are to me.
So with that said, here is just another personal experience to share.
I have been home for several days now due to a emotional mental block from have a personal burlary and thief occur and you may already be aware of this via my twitter or post I put up earlier. But no matter here is what is important and I think you will find quit amazing to say the least.
First of all I noticed a couple of weeks ago this in my bed as I lay tossing and turning around 4 a.m. after only needing 6sh hours of dreamily and peaceful Kangen water sleep, but I noticed that my feet seemed extremely smooth! Now you have to understand that here in Arizona we go in sandals about 9 months out of the year and sometime all year round as the weather is just such that allows us to do so. BUT, we also have a Manicure or pedicure salon on every corner and sometimes 2! Because our feet have a tendency to become dry and cracked very quickly and believe me even after 3 days of a nice pedicure in the bed you can just feel the snags on-in the sheets.
Now I am a single lady so I do not have any significant others toes and feet to rub... bummer! But, when heavenly father brings me together with Mr. Wonderful filled with kindness and he starts to drink the Kangen WATER lets just say that we will be sharing some happy Tootsie under the covers ! :~)
Several current DVD's and promotional materials inaccurately state that Strong Kangen Water and Strong Acidic Water are found as values of 11.5 and 2.5, respectively.
Strong Kangen Water is water with a pH of 11.0 and higher, while Strong Acidic Water is water with a pH of 2.7 and lower.
This is the only NON water product also available through Enagic
By Dr. Mercola
For more than 5,000 years, turmeric has been an important part of Eastern cultural traditions, including traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. Valued for its medicinal properties and warm, peppery flavor, this yellow-orange spice has more recently earned a name for itself in Western medicine as well.
Turmeric comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant, which is native to Indonesia and southern India, and is widely used as an ingredient in curry dishes and yellow mustard. As research into this powerful spice has increased, it has emerged as one of nature’s most powerful potential healers.
Said Dr. David Frawely, founder and director of the American Institute for Vedic Studies in Santa Fe, New Mexico:
“If I had only one single herb to depend upon for all possible health and dietary needs, I would without much hesitation choose the Indian spice Turmeric. There is little it cannot do in the realm of healing and much that no other herb is able to accomplish.
Turmeric has a broad spectrum of actions, mild but certain effects, and is beneficial for long term and daily usage. Though it is a common spice, few people, including herbalists know of its great value and are using it to the extent possible. It is an herb that one should get to know and live with.”
Turmeric’s Beneficial Effects in a Nutshell
Strengthens and improves digestion
Reduces gas and bloating
Assists in the digestion of protein and with rice and bean dishes
Improves your body's ability to digest fats
Promotes proper metabolism, correcting both excesses and deficiencies
Maintains and improves intestinal flora
Improves elimination of wastes and toxins
Supports healthy liver function and detox
Turmeric helps increase bile flow making it a liver cleanser that can rejuvenate your liver cells and recharge their capability to break down toxins
Helps to prevent alcohol and other toxins from being converted into compounds that may be harmful to your liver
Supports formation of healthy tissue
Purifies your blood
Stimulates formation of new blood tissue
Anti-inflammatory: Helps to reduce irritation to tissues characterized by pain, redness, swelling and heat
Contains curcuminoids that fight cancer, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s
Curcuminoids are potent phytonutrients (plant-based nutrients) that contain powerful antioxidant properties
Counteract the damaging effects of free radicals in your body
Relieve arthritis pain and stiffness, anti-inflammatory agent
Anti-carcinogenic: “Curcumin has been shown to prevent a large of number of cancers in animal studies. Laboratory data indicate that curcumin can inhibit tumor initiation, promotion, invasion, angiogenesis and metastasis.”[1]
Supports treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: “Because Alzheimer's disease is caused in part by amyloid-induced inflammation, curcumin has been shown to be effective against Alzheimer's. Clinical trials are in progress at UCLA with curcumin for Alzheimer's.”[2]
Curcumin: Turmeric’s Active Anti-Inflammatory “Ingredient”
Most notably turmeric is known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties, which come from curcumin -- the pigment that gives turmeric its yellow-orange color, and which is thought to be responsible for many of its medicinal effects. There are an estimated three to five grams of curcumin in 100 grams of turmeric.
Curcumin has been shown to influence more than 700 genes, and it can inhibit both the activity and the synthesis of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and 5-lipooxygenase (5-LOX), as well as other enzymes that have been implicated in inflammation.[3]
Turmeric’s Cancer-Fighting Properties
In India where turmeric is widely used, the prevalence of four common U.S. cancers -- colon, breast, prostate and lung -- is 10 times lower. In fact, prostate cancer, which is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in U.S. men, is rare in India and this is attributed, in part, to turmeric.
Numerous studies have looked into this potential cancer-fighting link, with promising results. For instance, curcumin has been found to:
Inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells
Inhibit the transformation of cells from normal to tumor
Help your body destroy mutated cancer cells so they cannot spread throughout your body
Decrease inflammation
Enhance liver function
Inhibit the synthesis of a protein thought to be instrumental in tumor formation
Prevent the development of additional blood supply necessary for cancer cell growth
As for the results of research studies, a study in Biochemical Pharmacology found that curcumin can slow the spread of breast cancer cells to the lungs in mice.[4]
"Curcumin acts against transcription factors, which are like a master switch," said lead researcher, Bharat Aggarwal. "Transcription factors regulate all the genes needed for tumors to form. When we turn them off, we shut down some genes that are involved in the growth and invasion of cancer cells."
A second study in Biochemical Pharmacology also found that curcumin inhibits the activation of NF-kappaB, a regulatory molecule that signals genes to produce a slew of inflammatory molecules (including TNF, COX-2 and IL-6) that promote cancer cell growth.[5]
Turmeric’s Essential Role for Your Liver
Your liver’s primary role is to process and remove toxins carried in your bloodstream. When functioning at its peak, it can filter up to two liters of blood per minute and easily break apart toxic molecules to reduce their toxicity. Your liver is also a crucial part of vitamin, mineral, protein, fat, carbohydrate and hormonal metabolism.
However, poor diet, allergens, pollution and stress can cause your liver to become sluggish, and this can impair its vital functions. This is where turmeric can be a very useful part of your liver support system. Studies have shown that it:
May increase important detoxification enzymes in your liver
Induces the formation of a primary liver detoxification enzyme, glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzymes
Turmeric is also a natural cholagogue, a medicinal agent that promotes the discharge of bile from your system. Increased bile flow is important to help your liver detoxify and to help your body digest fats.
Turmeric for Your Heart, Brain and Overall Health
Turmeric inhibits free radical damage of fats, including cholesterol. When cholesterol is damaged in this way, or oxidized, it can then damage your blood vessels and lead to a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, research suggests that turmeric’s ability to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol may be beneficial for your heart. It’s also rich in vitamin B6, high intakes of which are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.
Meanwhile, turmeric appears to be highly protective against neurodegenerative diseases. In fact, in India levels of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s are very low, and studies have shown that curcumin can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s in mice. The compound has also proven capable of blocking the progression of multiple sclerosis.
Further, Professor Moolky Nagabhushan from the Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, who has been studying turmeric for the last 20 years, believes that turmeric can protect against harmful environmental chemicals, and in so doing protect against childhood leukemia. The research showed that curcumin in turmeric can:[7]
Inhibit the toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (cancer-causing chemicals in the environment)
Inhibit radiation-induced chromosome damage
Prevent the formation of harmful heterocyclic amines and nitroso compounds, which may result in the body when eating certain processed foods, such as processed meat products
Irreversibly inhibit the multiplication of leukemia cells in a cell culture
Turmeric's volatile oils also have external anti-bacterial action. As such, they may help prevent bacterial wound infections and accelerate wound healing. Johnson & Johnson even sells a curcumin-containing Band-Aid in India!
And the therapeutic potential of turmeric and curcumin do not end there. Evidence suggests the spice may also be beneficial for:
Cystic fibrosis
Type 2 diabetes
Crohn’s disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Muscle regeneration
Inflammatory bowel disease
Which Type of Turmeric is Best?
For use in cooking, choose a pure turmeric powder, rather than a curry powder. At least one study has found that curry powders tend to contain very little curcumin, compared to turmeric powder. Turmeric is also available in supplement form and for many this is a more convenient method to obtain these health benefits discussed above, especially if they are from a high-quality organic source and if one doesn’t particularly enjoy the taste of curry.
Municipalities across the United States treat water with chemicals to make it potable. Let's look closely at chlorine, one chemical added intentionally to our water supply. I believe you'll form a strong opinion about what you are about to read.
Chlorine is a economical chemical disinfectant that kill s harmful bacteria in the water before they kill us. That is why government officials in cities across the U.S. add chlorine to the water systems _ to protect the health of the residents against those bacteria. Now while that sounds reasonable enough... except for just one or two problems. Studies conducted over the last twenty years have linked chlorine to "Colon, rectal, bladder, and prostrate cancer"!
YIKES.... Let's pay attention here,
When chlorine kills bacteria, it cannot discriminate between the harmful and the HEALTHFUL. It destroys friendly bacteria in the stomach and colon. People with candida and immune-suppressive disease-such as AIDS, Epstein-Barr, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-should make the extra effort to drink only pure water. Here's why: Candida are parasitic fungi that resemble yeast. They occur most frequently in the mouth, vagina, and intestinal tract, where they are usually benign but can cause disease. Our physiology naturally balances candida with healthy bacteria, so nothing about the fungi draws our attention. When antibiotics or other agents-chlorine, for example-destroy healthful bacteria in the digestive system, the delicate balance goes out of whack. The result can be a glut of candida that can suppress the immune system and cause an array of health problems.
Surprisingly high number of people taking prescription antibiotics are well informed about adding the supplement acidophiles and eating live yogurt to stimulate the increase of friendly bacteria. They alter their diet and avoid foods that may trigger an imbalance. If only they KNEW, all their diligence had little or no effect! WHY? Because every time they sip a chlorinated water, they kill the bacteria they have so painstakingly tried to cultivate.
Bottom line? If you can for get yourself a SD501 Water Generator for all the other health benefits as laid out in this blog, otherwise start today with a healthy carbon filter to screen out the Chlorine at least.
And if you REALLY think this is important and care about you're and your family's health, visit my sites and request the free DVD. Limited supply. Likewise visit to get some shocking disease truth.
Have a most waterful healthy day, I look forward to comments, tweets, FaceBook video comments and as much interaction with you as possible. Eventually every home in USA will have this unit in it, just like yet so much more important than a Micro Wave.
I just received this testimony from Dr.Vera Brown and as I've been saying all along, you WILL "SEE" results in a very short time. Read on.
Vera, I am so excited this morning I just had to share this with you! I have been drinking the Kangen water now for 3 days and using the beauty water on my face, hair and splashing it over my eyes. This morning I noticed I could read the small print on business cards which I have had problems with before.
1 year ago, I paid $3800 for Lasik surgery so that I wouldn't need reading glasses anymore. It worked for the first three months and then after that my eyes started regressing back and I had to strain them to see small print. 6 months later, they did the procedure on me again and I have been going in for eye visits every two months since. My eyes were again regressing back. 3 days ago I had my two month visit and the doctor agreed my reading capability is regressing again. I should also mention that the type of eye therapy he was prescribing through the past year (which I was following), was, restasis drops morning and night, Optive Eye drops throughout the day (5-6 times), plus I have been taking bio tears supplement pills. With all these three types of medications, he was surprised that my eyes had not improved. Here's my exciting news! I have done absolutely nothing differently except for I have been averaging 7-9 bottles (16oz) each day since Thursday night when I took two gallons of 9.0 and 9.5 water home. I then received my unit on Friday. So, it has been 3 days of drinking this water and I got up this morning to do bills and surprisingly was able to read the small print on the statements when I hadn't been able to before. I have another 2 month appointment with my eye doctor coming up in the beginning of April. If this continues and he sees this improvement, he is going to say what have you been doing differently?
Unbelievable! I can't wait to see more results! Never imagined this was going to help my eyes! There's my story!
There was no name to this testimony, but thanks for sharing who ever you are! Keep us posted with your results.
Well I have a terrific on going testimony I want to share with the world and all you skeptics.
Over the years I've had several small pea size skin pre cancerous growths on my left cheek side of face.
Now I just about "Always" wear a very wide brimmed sun visor, have many colors to go with my designer wardrobe etc. And have always taken care of my complexion and have very nice skin as well. BUT,
I do believe that the reason why I have had these eruption patches is a direct result of driving in the car and the sun that comes through even my "Legal" tinted windows. I can just feel it. If you pay attention you will too.
Anyway, I have usually gone to a dermatologist and had them frozen off, no big deal. But now enter of 2.5 pH extreme acid Magic treatment for now my skin as well as my teeth! (Watch my Video's)
Here goes, about 3-4 weeks ago I had on of these start bugging me and I always know because I just sort of scratch it a little and I have little pain feeling like a pin prick. So, I put my 2.5 Kangen water to the test again, took a cotton coet and used the 2.5 and as I lay down to read, sleep etc. I'd just sort of have that coet saturated with the water on my cheek over the baby cancer spot. took about 3-4 times. Yep, it's all healed up! GONE, Gone, Bye bye!
And about 3 days ago another one has started, looks a little different and had one on my arm too which was new and I just finished soaking this one for about 20 minutes as I lay in bed thinking etc. it's bout 4 a.m. so thought I'd just post this for anyone considering "What's the Big Deal about this" stuff??? And for all you kangen Skeptics, we love you man cause you make it so easy for us to prove our progress and point, this isn't some new voodoo snake oil, it just is a fact that it is what it is and it works!
Right now, no moisturizer on and going to go back to bed in a minute when I'm done here, but my facial skin is so soft, smooth and tight, well I just LOVE my Kangen Water Magic!
P.S. oh by the way case you've not figured it out, I live in Arizona so believe me when I say that we really have to be mindful of our skin, just can't wait to get an anispa shower spa so I don't have to take toxic chlorine showers anymore!
Good Happy Valentines KangenWaterMagic day to all!
I thought I take a moment and explain what KangenArizona is. As you may or may not be following me on twitter. I have several identities on twitter (Why?) because as a women on a mission I just don't seem to see how to get my passion into one site, and NO I don't have multiple personalities? humm, better ask a doctor! LOL No but seriously,
I live in Arizona, Gilbert to be exact and came here from the beautiful Monterey Bay by the water. Somehow I zigged when I should have zagged but this is now where I will be for at least the next 3 years as my son is in High School.
Arizona has some of the "Hardest" water around and while it's not pleasant to drink do to that hardness it's also some of the most over chemically infused water as mandated by the federal and local government as the main source is from the Colorado River and the Salt River Project. I mean to tell you this stuff is NOT your friend in any way shape or form, and forget about the drinking aspect of that, cause no one in their right mind drinks tap water anymore, least of all ours! Hence the Bottled water Scam and rip off but that will be another post, actually think it's already on here. But anyway, Many people "BUY" R.O. water by the 5 gal jugs at water and ice stores etc. yet they are still bathing in tap water that is so highly loaded with chlorine, lye, fluoride not to mention all the stuff that get through if you don't have some type of a carbon filter installed.
I'd venture to say that at least 2 million of Phoenix resident homes are showering and COOKING with polluted tap water. Just my opinion on the numbers, but I know for a fact that that many and MORE cook with this toxic H20! Potatoes, Pasta, soups, you name it, add a cup of water to a receipt etc.
So, in conclusion, at Kangen Arizona it is my desire to share and deliver Enagic's KangenWaterMagic to all residents in the state of Arizona as well as the Northern American continent and the globe. You can join me too, and if you're looking for a NEW business opportunity? And if you keep your options open? Then I suggest you contact me directly and I will give you the big picture of what is available. This is NO get rich quick deal, this is the state of what is being brought to the minds of individuals like you and that is why you are reading this far. YOU know there is some buzz going on. You've heard about KangenWaterMagic as Miracle water. Well it's true, and all of us started out as skeptics. I don't know of any one person that once they know about Kangen didn't desire to own their own water destiny. I invite you to get involved and Have a most Waterful Blessed Valentine weekend! Enjoy, LCD P.S. a company that has been in business for 30plus years, does over a 1/4 billion dollars in business and is world wide is NOT a scam, or pyramid or even a MLM! Believe it.
Thursday Night Doctor's call To prep yourself for this meeting please take 30 minutes to listen to a nationwide doctors call tonight, Thursday, at 9 p.m. EST, You will hear from the doctor and testimonials from 3-4 individuals and their story from drinking this water. This call is jaw-dropping and a must listen-to experience. Call 512-879-2059 ex. 388905#
Also if you'd like your very own copy of "Why Kangen Water?" please visit my NEW updated web site and fill in info to receive a copy! Free of any charge I promise.
Everything you ever wanted to know about KangenWaterMagic by Enagic on DVD now available! Please visit the NEW and improved website to reacquaint yourself to the 'Positive, Powerful, Possibilities of pH' Kangen Water and all it's glorious Magic.
Do you drink Water? Why? What kind do you drink? What do you expect out of your water? If you're 78% H20 doesn't it make sense to filter your body with the best? The ultimate machine, your body deserves
It was a terrific KangenWaterMagic all the way around. Starting off Friday with a Water Wellness awareness presentation at the Arizona Small Business Association center in Phoenix, hosted by Wayne Houghton and special guest speakers Dr. Vera Brown from Los Angeles as well as corporate spokesman Karl Roller to present the business compensation available to those that may desire it. Eye's lite up when Mr. Roller spoke. It was a little smaller turn out than desired but enough to make it worth-wild and give momentum for future presentations at the A.S.B.A. again soon.
Then Saturday A.M. I attended a distributor only meeting with Karl Roller and Tim Blum in Scottsdale AZ. for 7 hours of terrific training. Questions/Answers and refocused to spread this amazing medical grade devise to Northern America.
Upon arriving home I had 2 packages waiting for me! (Don't you just love Packages from UPS!) One containing my order of the terrific "Why Kangen Water?" as well as another with all my new filters, cleaners, pH drops for demos and such. Here we go!
Then going through my Saturday mail I was overjoyed to find my new vanity plate from ADOT with my customized "KANGEN" licence plate! Now all I need to do is get my rear window printed with web address and phone number and I'm set to Kangenize Arizona! And boy do we all need it!
I tested my pH from my old filter that's been on for 8 months now and it tested around 8.0 being set at the 9.5 setting, I knew it was overdue, but WOW, what a difference the new filter has made.
Yesterday, Sunday I could really feel the power of that 9.5 which is what I've been drinking for 8 months now, but it had gone down like I said. My body is detoxifying once again in a very quick manner, and all within the first 10 hours.
Slept like a baby, and am all fired up. Please be on the lookout for my new website that I hope to have available and up and running sometime today, and ask for the FREE DVD there, or e-mail me directly at
Have a waterful day everyone, see you on twitter, Face-Book and everywhere else, and hopefully one day soon at a Water Wellness Awareness Presentation in your area!
Good Wednesday afternoon from Phoenix Arizona home of the KangenWaterLady and KangenArizona, bringing you KangenWaterMagic!
While I don't necessarily write a lot of the doc's and articles posted in this blog there is a very good reason why as the nature of this amazing KangenWater is such that I'd really hate to miss interpret any information.
There is so much more to this water then "Wet" and until you experience it, drink it, cook with it, brush your teeth with it, spray it on your face and body you just can't comprehend the experience and the power. And for the Naysayers out there? Your just so shallow minded that it puts a smile on my face :) because eventually you will, and you'll then understand. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Once upon a time we had a telegraph system, then along came the telephone with party lines, operators to make all the calls etc. Heck I even remember when we didn't have area codes! And it wasn't that long ago. I also remember when my father who was a very important ranch appraiser for the state of California would get a "Long Distance" call when we'd be on vacation in Laguna Beach California and OH my GOD the lady next door would run over and it was such a "BIG DEAL" because it cost a fortune and it was business and long distance. Well, what a difference a few decades make! Cell phones, I-pods, Internet the list is endless. I also remember when cell phones first came out, and I made an intelligent decision that I'd just pull over and use a Pay Phone, but then a funny thing happened, I started having a hard time finding a Pay Phone! Now they are almost NON-Existent. Such is the wheel of life and our technology. I heard Brian Tracy (My Hero) say in 1997 that in 5 years (2002) our technology as we knew it at that time would "Double" and he put it into context of a house full of all the knowledge from the last 4,000 years and it would just become 2 houses doubled in 5 years time. Well he was more than right. And today, I believe I read recently that it's at the rate of about every 18 months. I wonder how many people "Get It"? It's hard to grasp, and when you OPEN your eyes, ears and heart to "What's the Big Deal about Water" you'll be more than amazed and grateful for Enagic's KangenWaterMagic.
I wish each of you a waterful day and evening, and hope this Friday February 6th if your in the Phoenix Arizona area you will join me in welcoming me and hearing some unbelievable information, in-site and profound facts about your body and the power that water, the right water can make. Special guest speakers will be Karl Roller: international business man and Direct corporate distributor.
This Water Wellness Presentation will wake up your soul I guarantee! Dr. Vera Brown: DMD specialized in TMJ disorders along with many others.
Enjoy, Laurel Chase-Dunn to get a beautiful e-book and weekly news letter. Contact me directly for this Friday in Phoenix or any other WaterWellness Presentation in your area. 480-559-8484
Fiji’s Environmental Contribution Fiji Water has been criticized for the environmental costs embedded in each bottle. The production plant runs on diesel fuel, 24 hours a day. The high-grade plastic used to make the bottles is transported from China to Fiji, and then (full of water) to the United States. A 1 liter bottle of FIJI Water contaminates 6.74 liters of water to stretch-blow mold the plastic, burns fossil fuel to transport plastics from China and fulflrobmottles to the U.S., and produces 0.25 kg of greenhouse emissions. 250g of CO2 are released for each bottle of FIJI Water imported to the United States. This includes 93g for manufacturing a bottle in China, 4g for transporting an empty bottle to Fiji, and 153g for shipping a full bottle to the United States.
Fiji Water’s total carbon footprint, a measure of the exclusive global amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases emitted over the full life cycle of a product or service, was 85,396 tonnes CO2eq in the base year 2006 – 2007 for all bottles produced. Seventy-two percent of those emissions came from manufacturing raw materials, bottling and ocean freight. Overall, the average energy cost to make the plastic, fill the bottle, transport it to market and then deal with the waste would be "like filling up a quarter of every bottle with oil.“
Additional Environmental Impact Created By Fiji Water Bringing these bottles of water here from the other side of the earth involves packing them into cardboard boxes. In the South Pacific this often means rainforest cardboard, produced from rainforest destruction. The boxes of bottles are then trucked from the bottling plant to a sea cargo terminal in Fiji, then shipped across the ocean on fossil-fuel-powered freighters to the US Pacific coast.
The fuel these ships use produces exhaust gases – Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulphur Oxides (SOx), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Particulate Matter (PM) which contribute to global warming and other air quality issues. Unregulated oil and bilge water discharges affect the sea and marine life. So do leakage and waste fluids from ship machinery. Noise and vibration from vessels impact marine mammals. Grease on wires washed off during mooring operations gets into the sea. Chemicals used for deck cleaning or surface preparation prior to painting can be washed overboard. Aquatic marine organisms and pathogens attached to hulls are spread around the world, threatening indigenous species. Once they arrive in the United States, they’re loaded onto trains and trucks, all powered by fossil fuels, and eventually warehoused, prodded with forklifts, loaded onto other trucks, shipped to other warehouses and eventually delivered to your local convenience store or drink machine.
It is already clear that the manufacturing process and product distribution is energy-intensive and produces toxic byproducts, but there is another major environmental impact. When we’re done drinking our water, over 85 percent of these bottles wind up in landfills (where they take up to 1,000 years to degrade) and incinerators—the latter of which can release a potpourri of deadly toxics into the environment. Recycling plastic bottles is still often cost-prohibitive. From the environmental impact, you might as well be swigging down a pint of oil! All of a sudden that bottle of refreshing Fiji Water doesn’t sound so refreshing! Fiji Water: Artesian Water or Environmental Nightmare?