Saturday, November 28, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Type 1 Diabetic and Pure Kangen H20 approach to a cure

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
OH how Dr. Young explains how "YES" it is possible to be type ONE diabetic FREE... listen to this...
Now, how important would and is this to someone you know and love? How much is it worth? Priceless no doubt. Only Kangen water by Enagic has the very high output of Kangen in pH and acidic waters. Never settle for 2nd best!
480-559-8484 to order today!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Magic Johnson drinks Miracle Water!
'Miraculous' water in Tlacote Mexico
Waiting for water in TlacoteWaiting for their chance for a miracle, a line of people often stretched for over a mile on a dusty road in the little town of Tlacote, Mexico. More than 10,000 a day sometimes came to visit Jesus Chahin's well and to take away a can or two of the famous miracle water which is said to have cured everything from AIDS and cancer to obesity and high cholesterol.
Chahin has been giving the water away since he accidentally discovered its healing properties by observing its swift healing effect on a farm dog who lapped up some of it.
Wayne Peterson of Washington DC reported that his father had been diagnosed with intestinal cancer, which had eaten holes through his intestines. His father took some of the water from the Tlacote well for several days. A visit to a new group of doctors only days later showed there was no evidence of cancer and all body functions appeared to be normal.
Thursday, November 12, 2009

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
What happens when Kangen Water(TM) is introduced to a pregnant mother?
By LouAnn Savage
As human beings, our natural state is one of alkalinity. When a woman gets pregnant she starts giving up alkaline minerals to her fetus. In that process, toxicity becomes part of pregnancy.
Drinking Kangen Water(TM) is one of the best preparations for pregnancy and one of the best elements for nutritional maintenance before and during gestation. When combined with recommended vitamins and a healthier diet before becoming pregnant, a woman's biological system is likely to be at its healthiest for conception.
We know Baby is drawing all of its nutrition from Mother. God made sure that between the two this new life gets the alkaline mineral priority. The very nature of pregnancy makes it easy to understand why the mother can become acidic. As Baby is being fed through the umbilical cord, its cells are being formed and waste results. Pregnant Mom's biological job is to contribute alkaline minerals into the placenta so the fluid stays free of toxins that are acidic. Reserves of alkaline minerals are critical to both mother and baby's health and wellbeing. Waste becomes the by-product of the metabolic process between mother and baby. It is important that the embryonic fluid stays as clean and as alkaline as possible--like an insurance policy for baby's health. If Mom's reserves are insufficient, a challenge occurs with a struggle to maintain whatever alkaline minerals are being depleted. If these vital minerals can't be found in the reserves, the body looks elsewhere throughout Mom's body like bones and teeth.
Among all of the changes going on throughout Mom's body,keeping under control toxicity and acidity for two people at the same time may be the most challenging. Baby gets the alkaline minerals first over mother which gives an advantage to baby's cellular development. Baby's cells divide and grow best when the embryonic fluid is at an optimum level. If it is not that is when we hear of women's teeth becoming weak or falling out or their bones getting brittle from depletion of calcium .
Tony Robbins, in his Edge of Alkaline seminar, illustrates acid this way; sugar = acid and acid = glue. Excess acid creates solid waste and thickens the blood. Bad blood circulation is an invitation to all kinds of acid related conditions and problems. At some level, these results stem from a polluted internal terrain. Drinking the best alkaline water available is one of the best defenses for both mother and baby. Kangen Water(TM) is the best place to start. Like sports, the best defense is a strong offense.
Source: Dave Carpenter, N.D., Ac.C., Author Change Your Water Change Your Life and Sang Whang, Author Reverse Aging
LouAnn Savage is publisher and editor of The Weekly Healthline, an online health publication. She is lecturer, researcher and marketer for health and fitness programs and product that advance the world toward true health. Follow LouAnn at her blog,, on and Facebook.
Join in, learn more on our free broadcast...
"Health & Wellness with Dr. Dave Carpenter"
Hear how alkalinity and Kangen Water work in the body.
It's changing lives!
Every Thursday Evening
6 pm PT/9 pm ET
Broadcast line: 512-879-2059
PIN: 388905#
Friday, November 6, 2009
Swine Flu -- One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History
ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
WOW, if you are considering a flu or swine flu shot, do yourself a favor and listen to this... Just amazing and so honest it's insightful.
I for one haven't been sick in 5 years? And have no plan on getting sick as I drink and enjoy my Kangen 9.5 at least 100oz. a day. FEEL the Kangen Difference, I promise is will change everything.
Visit for the ins and outs of disease and the bodys need for water, the right water. Kangen by Enagic.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hear How Toy Hightower makes KangenWAterMagic!

ONLY Kangen Water by Enagic has the power to Change everything!
6A2 Toy High tower Nuclear Conference Call
Playback 712-432-0799 Access code 927620 #
So Fantastic you'll want to write down everything she says.
On Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM we had Powerhouse 6A2 Toy Hightower on our conference call and she was absolutely electrifying! Telling us how she builds her business with Churches and Doctors. Don't miss this call and get your down-line to hear how she used 3 way calling to hit 4A before she ever saw a meeting. This is a must hear call that will be gone in one week as we record new training every week. Thank you Toy, you are unstoppable and quite remarkable.