Kangen Water

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Improved Eye Sight with Kangen Water

I just received this testimony from Dr.Vera Brown and as I've been saying all along, you WILL "SEE" results in a very short time. Read on.

I am so excited this morning I just had to share this with you! I have been drinking the Kangen water now for 3 days and using the beauty water on my face, hair and splashing it over my eyes. This morning I noticed I could read the small print on business cards which I have had problems with before.
1 year ago, I paid $3800 for Lasik surgery so that I wouldn't need reading glasses anymore. It worked for the first three months and then after that my eyes started regressing back and I had to strain them to see small print. 6 months later, they did the procedure on me again and I have been going in for eye visits every two months since. My eyes were again regressing back. 3 days ago I had my two month visit and the doctor agreed my reading capability is regressing again. I should also mention that the type of eye therapy he was prescribing through the past year (which I was following), was, restasis drops morning and night, Optive Eye drops throughout the day (5-6 times), plus I have been taking bio tears supplement pills. With all these three types of medications, he was surprised that my eyes had not improved.
Here's my exciting news! I have done absolutely nothing differently except for I have been averaging 7-9 bottles (16oz) each day since Thursday night when I took two gallons of 9.0 and 9.5 water home. I then received my unit on Friday. So, it has been 3 days of drinking this water and I got up this morning to do bills and surprisingly was able to read the small print on the statements when I hadn't been able to before. I have another 2 month appointment with my eye doctor coming up in the beginning of April. If this continues and he sees this improvement, he is going to say what have you been doing differently?

Unbelievable! I can't wait to see more results! Never imagined this was going to help my eyes!
There's my story!
There was no name to this testimony, but thanks for sharing who ever you are! Keep us posted with your results.

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